Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Impossible or Is possible

Matt. 14:28 ~ And Peter answered Him and said, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water."
   The disciples had already heard His voice, but there was still some uncertainty, some doubt. How could they be sure? And Peter said, Lord, command me (bid me) come to you. Do we, like Peter, ask Jesus for impossible proof that He is with us? In asking this, Peter was saying to Jesus I will put my life on the line so I know for sure it is You. Peter didn't step out of the boat with a rope around him, just in case Jesus wasn't there,  he didn't have a life preserver on, there was no plan B, he would walk on the water to Jesus or he would drown.  I would want a back up plan, a safety net, or rope in place--- just in case . I would want my friends in the boat  ready to pull me back. But that would have been trusting in the flesh and not in Jesus. Peter put all of his trust in Jesus and Jesus met him. I would miss the miracle!  for pragmatism, common sense safety. To think I would trust a rope before the Creator of the universe; my Savior! O Father, may I trust You, as Peter did, may I do Your bidding without preparing for 'what if I fail', trusting You with my very life- my all.

v.29 ~ And He said, "Come!" And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
    Jesus meets our honest doubts and fears every time! When He bids us to come to Him, no matter how difficult the way, or impossible it seems, He makes a way as we come to Him. So often I wait, I hesitate, I want the wind to be still and the sea to be calm, I want everything perfect before I get out of the boat. But Peter simply obeyed Jesus; and He walked on water! Lord, give me a heart to just come to You! Even when it appears impossible, life threatening, or contrary to all I know.

v.30 ~ But seeing the wind, he became afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!"
    Once Peter was out of the boat, walking on water, he saw the wind, he became distracted. But he was already moving toward Jesus in the impossible! I wonder about what those in the boat said to him; I am one of their voices. How about: 'Duh, Peter, the wind is still contrary, of course it's out there, didn't you count the cost?' or 'What were you thinking!' or  'It was foolishness to get out of the boat.' But even sinking, Peter cried out to Jesus, "Lord, save me!" He still trusted Jesus more than himself or the boat! And Jesus met him.
   Lord, I look at how many times I sink, at how often I fail, and not at Your face. I feel like a failure when I start something, only to have the wind push me down; and yet, You are ever faithful to pick me up and walk with me.

v.31 ~ And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
   Jesus took hold of him! And the only chastisement was for his lack of faith! Not for getting out of the boat. The rebuke was for his doubt.
   Lord Jesus, I cannot walk without You, Your presence walking with me, holding me up, in the midst of a contrary wind and battering waves. Keep my eyes focused on You that I would not doubt that with You the impossible is possible. Silence the voices that would keep me in the boat, never attempting to walk on water, trusting in myself and what I know, more than You. Free me Jesus, to trust You enough to keep getting out of the boat whenever You bid me "Come", knowing that even if (when) I fail You do not and You are there to pick me up.

v.32-33 ~ And when they got into the boat the wind stopped. And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, "You are certainly God's Son!"
     The wind did not stop until Peter was already safely in the boat. And the disciples who just minutes before were troubled, unsure, frightened, were worshiping Jesus as God's Son. Faith, even when it is unsteady and sinking, encourages others. The disciples became focused on Jesus because Peter stepped out of the boat! They were now in a place of worship and not fear. They saw Jesus more clearly.
  Lord, as I look at stepping out of the boat and see all the reasons to stay in the boat, give me simple obedience to just get out of the boat, that others would be encouraged in their faith. Even if all I do is get out and sink, it is You who saves me, and all would see You for who you are. Thank You for those who have gotten out of the boat, for their example and encouragement as their lives point me to You.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jesus speaks to fear

Matt. 14:25-27 ~ And in the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were frightened, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid."
    The disciples had been battered, they were tired, the night was almost gone, and Jesus came to them. Unexpectedly, quietly, in the midst of the wind and the waves; this was not a smooth glassy sea where all was suddenly still. This troubled or frightened the disciples, understandably so. It was the middle of the night, they were tired, this was very unusual.
    How often do we see Jesus coming unexpectedly, and we don't recognize Him? Or we are frightened. Why?
When we cannot trust our own senses do we, as the disciples, become troubled? The disciples had to wonder- is this real or is it just an apparition seen out of their own exhaustion and the wind and water. There are times in our night of being battered that we need Jesus; we want His answer so desperately that when He comes, we have to be sure it is Him, and not just our senses playing tricks on us.
     "and immediately Jesus spoke" Jesus comes and calms our fears, puts us at rest and reassures us, He is with us!  Jesus gave just a short sentence.  'Take courage'- what calming of our fears! Be encouraged. He spoke courage to them when they had none. 'It is I'- just hearing His voice should have calmed their doubts. Jesus identified Himself to them. 'Do not be afraid'- I am here, there is no need to fear.
    Father, as we struggle with life may we rest in Your presence, give us Your assurance of Your presence with us. Speak Your courage and Your peace to us, banish our fears, that we might see You in the midst of life's batterings. May we rejoice that You are with us and be thankful for Your comforting voice.Give us faith to believe when it is so dark and rough that we have trouble knowing You are present.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Battered by the Winds

Matt. 14:24: "But the boat was already many stadia away from the land, battered by the waves; for the wind was contrary." One version says they were tormented by the waves.
     The disciples had had a very full day, at the end of it, Jesus had sent them by boat to the other side, but it was at least 9 hours later and they were still struggling. Some of these were seasoned fishermen! The disciples were faithfully obeying Jesus, but it was hard work and they were being battered, tormented, struggling for all forward progress. They were no doubt tired, yet they persevered.
     How often, in obeying Jesus, do we find ourselves battered, tormented, going against a contrary wind? In our home, in our work, in our school or studies, with our finances, we struggle to do what is right, to be obedient, and we aren't getting very far. Oh, we are making some progress, but it is slow and we are beyond exhausted. We can ask all the why's we can think of: Jesus, You sent us on this trip, why aren't You blessing it? Why aren't we making much progress? Why do I have to go through this rough time? But none of the questions or their answers will ever meet our need. Mostly they just get us out of sorts, cranky. We are to continue doing what He has called us to do; even with the opposition. When we cannot see Jesus, it is imperative we stay faithful to His call or command to us. (The disciples were to go to the other side of the lake)
    This was not satan coming against them, or an enemy; it was just life. It is so easy to get overwhelmed with the curves that come in our lives that we forget,  sometimes just moving forward is all Jesus is asking of us- inch by inch.
     As we feel battered, tormented, pushed by a contrary wind, may we be faithful to what Jesus has called us to do. May we see His hand still leading us, and guiding us in the midst of our difficulties. When we feel like He isn't with us, may we remember that He never leaves us or forsakes us. And may we too, continue in faithful obedience and perseverance in the midst of our own exhaustion, moving forward, even if it is one inch at a time.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Come, Holy Spirit

"In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation- having also believed, you were sealed in Him, with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory." Eph.1:13-14
  The Holy Spirit of promise, sent by Jesus to live in us who believe; to bring us to Jesus, to keep us in purity and holiness, always at work making Christ known in our hearts. (check Jn. 16:13-14) The pledge that we have been bought and paid for!
    Ever try to do something right and holy and just fall flat on your face? That's me- and often I feel like I didn't just fall on my face, but in some really gooey mud and it is stuck to me so everyone can see. All of us, if we are honest., recognize that we have no power in or of ourselves to really live as God desires us to ~ as Jesus died for us to live. That power to live comes only through the Holy Spirit, no amount of self-control will overcome the flesh. Yet, the Holy Spirit will cause the things of the flesh to fall away; drop off; and we  have victory. This takes a simple faith and just getting closer to Jesus; ask and obey. Jesus, my heart cry is just for cleansing- and He cleanses. We just have to not go back to the pig trough anymore! (obedience) And again, it is the Holy Spirit that gives us the power and ability to not go back. It is only by allowing Him to live and work in us that we can have a victorious walk. When we keep trying to beat something down, it pops back up again, and we wear ourselves out beating it down. But when God through the Holy Spirit beats it down- we have victory; we just have to not return to it again.
    Thank You Lord for sending Your Holy Spirit, all I have to do is say yes, and simple obedience brings growth. The growth shows me God's answers to big prayers. When I do not say yes, when I hold back for any reason, I grieve the Holy Spirit and distance myself from God and His answers to my prayers. He may answer me anyway, but I know that I have moved in the wrong direction. Then all I have to do is repent, look to Jesus and I am back, used of God with no distance between us at all!
Thank You Jesus for making walking with You in victory so easy. So simple. Forgive me for making it more complicated than You ever intend it to be. May each of us grasp the wonder of Your Holy Spirit working in us  for victory in our daily walk, for power over our flesh, our own nature, all for Your glory. May we all desire just to be closer to Jesus. May Your victory rule in our lives.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy New Year

2 Corinthians 5:17 ~"Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come."
I am about a month late here.I get so excited about a New Year, a clean slate, a time to start over or have a fresh start. Old things passing away and new things coming, I always look forward to new things! I have enough plans for this New Year to last 3 years or 5. I always have a lot of plans. A few years ago instead of doing a New Year's resolution, I started asking God what His goals for the year for me were, how did He want me to be focusing my time and energy. It has made a difference in the way I see the New Year, yes, it is still a  fresh start, a clean slate; but it comes with God given direction and strength. Do I still get everything done? No, I struggle with time priorities. I go too many directions at once, but when I am working on that which God has shown me at the beginning of the year, I have peace that passes all understanding and joy overflowing.
    This year as I was seeking God I didn't get a direction, just a daily assignment. Each day purpose to see God glorified in my life. Make this a conscious decision. So whether I am working or at home, cleaning toilets,  caring for a sick child,or in an abusive workplace, in a classroom studying or walking in the wilderness, the goal is the same. That God would be glorified. It has been a little over a month, some days I have succeeded in this, others I have failed miserably. It is a much harder goal for me than accomplishing a task; this takes my whole being and it means a change in my thinking. Each day I need to wake up and go through my day God-centered. It involves more surrender ~ but the joy is incredible. I have become more flexible with  my time, less stressed when what I want to do doesn't get done, and hopefully, more God centered.
   Lord, as we look at our lives, and where You have us this year, may we purpose to glorify You in all our ways. May You pick us up when we fail, for Your mercies are new every morning. May we lean on You as You give us strength for each day knowing what we will face in it. May we see that You are for us, and work in us daily for Your glory. May we thank You for the new things that come.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Night Watch

 Luke 1:8 ~ "And it came to pass in the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields, and keeping watch over their flock by night."
      He loved the night shift; the silence, the feeling of being a protector- even if it was just of sheep. He loved the stillness. Maybe a shepherd felt this way on his way to guard the sheep- to keep watch so very long ago.
Shift workers have a different rhythm to their life. They are  up when others sleep, they sleep when others have been up and working for hours. Their social life is different, they work when others have time to visit. They become invisible, non-entities in a world of business and activity. These shepherds were faithfully working the  night shift. Maybe their ears were attuned to the night sounds, straining for any sound out of the ordinary, listening to the sheep  and to what was beyond the sheep. Maybe their eyes were looking at the shadows beyond the flocks. And maybe they were talking about how  many strangers there were in town, how busy their quiet village had become. They were at work, invisible to most  of  Bethlehem.
    Then their night was interrupted. Lk. 1:9~ "And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terribly afraid."
      This was not expected, this was not something to fight, this was a right reaction to a messenger from God. No question in their minds that this was real and not a dream!
Lk. 1:10-11 ~ "And the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
      These shepherds were reassured, and given the biggest news story ever. The Messiah had come! The Christ was here- born in Bethlehem! A Savior- finally! Maybe they didn't grasp the fullness of what it meant, but they grasped enough! God had come to the invisible, the shift workers, the one who missed out on everything, and told them first!  Why? Maybe because they were up and doing their job, maybe because He was the Shepherd of Israel, maybe because they had learned humility, maybe simply because they were keeping watch; listening and watching, so they saw and heard.
Lk 1:12-14~ " 'And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths, and lying in a manger.' And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.'"
   When the miraculous was over, these men would need to know if this was indeed true; how could they prove it?  So they were given a sign, something concrete to check out, a proof that would be there after the glory of the moment faded.
Lk.1: 15-17 ~"And it came about when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds began saying to one another, 'Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened that the Lord has made known to us.' And they came in haste and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the manger. And when they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child."
      These shepherds understood priorities. Leave the sheep unguarded, something greater than sheep was happening! They acted immediately, this was not a 'sit down and lets think about this time', this was a 'let's check it out  time'! And they did! This was for all the people- they told everyone.
    Lord, in our work, whether the night shift or day, may we watch and listen for You. When you show Yourself to us, may we see You. It probably won't be an angel or a chorus of angels, but it may be a baby, or another person that You use to touch us, to help us to really see You in the midst. And then, when we see You, may we share You with all the people~ so they too would rejoice in the Savior, Christ the Lord.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mary's Surrender

Luke 1:38~ And Mary said, "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord, be it done to me according to Your word." And the angel departed from her.
     I often have wondered, what if Mary really knew what she was getting into when she said these words- would she still have said them? How many of us, when we surrender to the Lord really understand what that means? Yes, Mary had a high honor, but her surrender took great courage. When God asks us to surrender, it also takes courage on our part.
      As the story of Jesus unfolds let us look at what Mary gave up (surrendered).
                        - her reputation
                        - a wedding
                        - her expectations of life as it had always been
                        - a birthing with her female relatives helping
                        - being physically close to relatives
  And as she surrendered all this to God ~ what did He give her?
                       - a husband who not only loved her, but believed her
                       - travel, even to a foreign land
                       - shepherds and angels coming to seek Jesus, just after his birth
                       - gifts from magi
                        - a Savior, not just for her, but for all the world
 She really didn't see any of this at the point of surrender. She was simply, humbly, obedient to the angel of the Lord.  Just as many years later Jesus showed simple, humble obedience to God as he lay down his life for us.
    Father, You have given us so many examples in scripture of obedience and surrender, may this one, from Mary speak to our hearts. Help us, as we struggle with full surrender to You, not always have to know everything coming, not to always have to figure it all out first, but to simply trust You, and in trusting, to simply and humbly obey You, surrendering all of ourselves to You. Give us the courage to do this. Thank You for Your abundant grace and strength to accomplish Your will for us today.