Monday, July 11, 2011

The Need for One Another

     This last week my husband and I went camping. We spent one morning walking along a mountain stream, the sun was shining and we were just enjoying looking at the beauty  of  the place and wildlife. Suddenly my husband called to me to stop. I stopped, wondering what he saw that  I could not, straining my eyes to see something close by. He asked me if I felt something on my leg, I said I did. Was a snake right at my foot?  I looked down. I was totally entangled in fishing line. Not just a little- a lot. I had not felt it, it had not hindered my walking- yet. But my husband walking behind me had seen light reflecting in a line and moving behind me. He knew that was not normal. When he asked if I had felt something, he had simply tugged on the line. I did manage to untangle myself, but if I had needed to have it cut free, my husband had a knife handy.
    What if I had been walking alone, or had not listened to the stop from my husband? The fishing line would have done a great job of tripping me. In our spiritual lives we also get entangled with invisible lines; something others can see and we cannot. Without their help we trip, fall down, and have a mess to deal with. We are in the body of Christ so we can help one another; that includes alerting one another to danger, or maybe just to an entanglement. It takes humility to recognize the need for help, and it is indeed humbling to see ones self entangled and not be aware!
     What if I had not trusted my husband when he told me to stop? Thinking, I know better, I don't need to stop for anything! I would have eventually been forced to stop, doubly humbled because I didn't listen.
    His tugging on the line is not what had entangled me, it just showed both of us I was entangled. How often do we get upset with the one who shows us our entanglements instead of being thankful and doing what is necessary to be freed from them?
   It was a beautiful sunny day, nothing to worry about, things were going great. In our walk with Jesus, even when things are going great it is possible to just be walking along and get tangled up in the distractions of the world, or the desires of the flesh. Nothing bad or evil in themselves, just enough to keep us from running if the need were to arise.
    Lord, we need those in our lives that give us cautions, corrections and help us when we are entangled to get un-entangled, yet so often we push them away, we keep our distance, not wanting to admit our need for help. Especially from others. You have given us Your body Lord, so we could work together for each other's good. Help us to receive from our brothers and sisters the help we need. As we are also called to give loving thoughtful correction and caution, may we do it with Your Spirit of humility, love and grace. May we be truly thankful for one another.
Psm. 141:5a ~ Let the righteous smite me in kindness and reprove me; it is oil upon the head; do not let my head refuse it.

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