Thursday, July 7, 2011

Faith of Jacob

  Gen. 46:1-4~ So Israel set out with all that he had, and came to Beer-sheba, and offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. 2 And God spoke to Israel in visions of the night and said, "Jacob, Jacob." And he said, "Here I am." 3 And He said, "I am God, the God of your father; do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you a great nation there. 4 I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also surely bring you up again; and Joseph will close your eyes."
     Here is Jacob headed to Egypt; after 22 years of grief, he has decided to be alive, to live again, in Gen. 45:27 it says his spirit revived. And on the way to Egypt he stops in Beer-sheba and offers sacrifices to God. It seems his grief for Joseph had clouded his view of God and interrupted his fellowship with God.  What is it in your life that has interrupted fellowship with God? Distorted or clouded your view of God? Death of a loved one, as with Jacob, could do it. But so can death of a dream or marriage. Deception by those you have loved or trusted. Disillusionment with the body of Christ?  Especially for children who have grown up in christian homes that are ravaged by divorce- don't let the havoc that has come into your family claim you. Let nothing take away the fellowship you have with God! Keep a clear view of who God is- the lover of your soul, the Redeemer, faithful and true.
     Jacob may have wondered when he would return to his land. Whatever the reason for stopping here to make a sacrifice, after the sacrifice was made God spoke with him, gave him direction, a promise for the future, assurance of His presence, assurance of return, and assurance that he would see Joseph.  These promises only came after Jacob started on his way and after he offered sacrifices.
    Often, we want all the promises and assurances from God before we ever go, before we begin, but that does not take faith. God speaks after we begin, after we sacrifice.
    Jacob also help nothing back, he set out with all that he had. This direction was wholehearted, there was no plan B, or fall back, if this did not turn out as expected. Again, full commitment to the direction God had given. We, as human beings, cannot take care of all the contingencies that may come up, we can only move forward as best as we can see and trust that God is with us, leading and guiding each step of the way.
  Lord, as we step out from the place of unbelief into belief, may we go wholeheartedly, holding nothing back, unconcerned about a Plan B, knowing that You have a perfect plan, even if it leads away from what we may see as security and hope. As You ask us, along the way, to sacrifice, our dreams, hopes, and yes, our self, may we see the incredible peace that comes from You, the assurance that You are leading and guiding us each step of the way, and may any fears we have be removed.
  If you have been in  a foggy world of despair or doubting God's goodness, as Jacob was,  may you see God's presence, His faithfulness, His leading and guiding, and may you no longer fear to be wholehearted in following Him, or in sacrificing self. May you once again find sweet fellowship with Him.And may God give you the assurance that is so needed in your life this day.

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