Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Test of Sudden Success

Gen 41:14~ "The Pharaoh sent and called for Joseph, and they hurriedly brought him out of the dungeon,...and he came to Pharaoh."  In less than a day Joseph went from prisoner to second to Pharaoh. Few of us are tested with sudden success- most of us are tested the opposite way- from much to nothing, or at least lots less! Joseph handled this exceptionally well, so there is much to learn.
   He remained humble, he spoke and responded with humility to Pharaoh. When Pharaoh asked Joseph to interpret the dreams, he said "I hear you are a man who can interpret a dream when you hear it." What a set up for pride! Yet Joseph did not get cocky or try to prove he was above others. He responded with humility and giving God credit."It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer."
    How easy it is to think that there is something in us that brings sudden success, and forget that it is God who works all things together. Joseph also didn't play the victim here, with a "Finally someone remembered me! Pharaoh, hear my case then I will interpret the dreams for you."  He remained a humble servant.
   As Joseph gave credit to God for the dreams, he honored Pharaoh as receiver of the dreams. Not once did he take honor for  the dreams, or the interpretation of them. The honor went to those to whom it was due.
   Joseph did not mince words with Pharaoh, he gave an honest interpretation. Joseph did not soften God's message. He made it clear that this famine would be severe.
   Then Joseph went beyond the interpretation. He could have stopped, the interpretation was done, but he kept talking.  He presented a plan to Pharaoh for the protection of Egypt during the famine. And Pharaoh decided God's Spirit was in Joseph so he was appointed 2nd to Pharaoh in all the land.
Fine clothes, jewelry, power, praise of people. All the trappings of success.  And Joseph still saw himself as God's servant. The lessons he had learned as a slave, and in prison had stuck. Who Joseph was had not changed, just who he reported to.
    This freedom from prison did not give Joseph freedom to go home, to see his family. He was free to serve Pharaoh. Joseph's expectation of what he might do in freedom may have been different than reality. Often, when we look for success the reality is different than our thought or dreams of what it might look like. For Joseph, his responsibility rose significantly, but he remained a servant in a foreign land and God made him fruitful. "...'For, he (Joseph) said, 'God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction'." Gen.41:52
    He understood even his freedom or success was about doing God's bidding, it wasn't about him. And God was able to use him to save his whole family.
    Lord, so often we think if You haven't answered a prayer they way we expect, You haven't answered completely, so we miss Your blessing of fruitfulness. Your answer that would lead us differently than we had hoped, yet more fully. Father, when You bless us with sudden success, please keep us humble, honest, and honoring of others. Remind us, that it is still You we serve, and honoring You is most important. Give us eyes to see ourselves as useless without You, and as Your servant. Help us realize that Your plan God, is so much bigger than just us.

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