Thursday, June 9, 2011

God's Incredible Wondrous Love

 Do you know how much God loves you? Do you understand His father's heart- for you?
He is always with us-Matt.28:20, and Heb.13:5. He calls us His friends, as we obey Him-Jn.15:14.
But often, in the midst of a really hard time, we think He doesn't love us. That He just doesn't care.
Look at His love:
              - He loved Jacob enough to give him Joseph- and take him away 17 years later so all the family would be saved.
             - He loved Joseph enough to train him as a servant, so he would learn wisdom and humility in serving so a nation would be saved.
             - He loved Esther enough to allow her to be chosen by a wicked king as his wife, so her people  would be saved.
             - He loved the 3 Hebrew young men enough to let them be thrown into a fiery furnace... and bring  them out again. And their clothes weren't even singed! So His Name would be exalted!
           - He loved us enough to send Jesus, His own Son, to be rejected and beaten and killed by men, so that these men and all mankind could be saved, delivered from their/our own hidden evil and made new.
           - He loved Saul enough to blind him for 3 days so he would understand who Jesus was/is.
   Whatever you are going through right now- confusion, illness, family relationship difficulties, impossible situations, deep grief,  financial tsunami, know God loves you.
    He loves you enough to see you through it.
    He loves you enough to strengthen you in and through it.
    He loves you enough to use you in it.
    He loves you enough to use it to prepare you to be used by Him for a greater purpose.
  We may never understand why we must go through certain circumstances or trials. But we can always know God loves us and is with us. And when the weakness of our very frame causes us to doubt and falter- may we know God is still holding us and loving us.
May you be strengthened by His love, in His love and with His love.

"For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you. And my covenant of peace will not be shaken," says the Lord who has compassion on you." Is.54:10

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