Saturday, June 4, 2011


Gen. 40:23 ~ "Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him."
   For two full years Joseph was forgotten, left in prison. I wonder, Lord, did he feel forgotten by You? I assume he continued to be faithful in his work in prison- but did he wonder if there was a purpose to what he did? Did his dreams mock him? How intensely did he have to deal with the attacks from satan, or any enemy?  Two full years.
     Undocumented in this passage of Scripture is forgiveness. Joseph had to have forgiven, and walked in that forgiveness to the cupbearer. If he had not it would have come out in his words and actions somehow. What is our attitude towards those who have forgotten us? Do we become bitter or angry? Do we deem them untrustworthy? Do we still walk in integrity in our dealings with them? It seemed as if Joseph had no ill feelings toward this cupbearer, even when forgotten. He was not bound by another's failings. Do I forgive those who I feel have forgotten me? Not just with words, but in my heart?
    How do I respond when I feel I have been forgotten? Am I in grief or despair? Do I stop having a spirit of praise? Do I become vengeful? Am I full of self-pity? Or do I trust that He is still God and is working His purpose out. It is hard when we feel abandoned by others- or even God, to still trust and believe God is working. It is hard, but not impossible. For, in truth, God has not abandoned us, He is still working to accomplish His purpose, His way and in His time. Even when I see or hear nothing
    How often do we forget others? Because of our own busy ness? Out of fear? Or pride? Is there someone in my life, or yours, right now that God is prompting us to remember? Someone we have forgotten? Someone who would benefit from a good word? Do we say we will pray for someone and forget? How easy it is to think it doesn't really matter.
      We have all been the one who forgets as well as the one forgotten. Neither is easy.  No matter which I am Lord, may I allow you to rule my reactions. May there be no room for self; that I would not be so self focused I would forget others. May I see God's hand and purpose in the times I have been forgotten more than my own feelings, trusting Him as Joseph did.

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