Friday, June 3, 2011

Speaking the Truth in Love

Gen. 40:8~ "Then they said to him, "We have had a dream and there is no one to interpret it."  Then Joseph said to them, "Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell it to me, please." "
  Here the baker and cupbearer are in prison and each had a dream that needed interpretation, but how could that happen in prison? There was no one to interpret. Joseph knew God well enough to have confidence that He would give Joseph the interpretation. Such rest and trust! All we need belongs to God- we just have to ask Him for it! May I, may we all, know You this well.
    As Joseph interpreted these dreams he started with the cupbearer's, a favorable interpretation from God, the cupbearer would be restored to service for the king in just 3 days. It is a joy to let others know when results will be good , it is not always as easy to let others know when the results will be negative. The baker was just waiting to see what would be the outcome of the cupbearer's dream, he wanted to know there would be a favorable interpretation. So often, I want a favorable answer, one that will show me that my circumstance has a positive outcome, just like this baker, I hang back, waiting to see if that is possible. But when Joseph gave the interpretation it was not positive. Yet, Joseph did not shrink back in giving it, he was truthful even when the message he had to give showed the baker's death. In honoring God as giver of interpretations, Joseph must give the hard as well as the good. Joseph showed integrity and truthfulness even when others did not show those qualities to him. He responded to each of these men with respect; even when one would die and could not help him. Can God trust me with the hard things, or do I shrink back?  Do I treat others with the respect they need as human beings, or do I see them as objects, to use for obtaining what I want? And if I see men as objects, how do I see God? As one I serve, or as one who serves me?
    Lord, work in me this godly quality of trusting You for what is needed right at the moment, even when it is to fill a need for another. May I treat everyone with the respect they deserve as a human being.  Work such a sensitivity to You in me that I would speak Your word when needed and not shrink back when it is hard or unpleasant. May I also honor You with my speech.

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