Thursday, October 6, 2011


Psm.106:16 ~ They became envious of Moses and Aaron.
         Are we envious of leaders because of their position? Their position with God? Does that envy turn into challenging their place and authority, their leadership,  from God?  This is different than challenging a leader because of bad teaching or immoral or unethical living. This is envying another's place with God, and wanting that place without being right with God, without paying the price of surrender to God. This includes not being thankful for the place God has given me. This envy leads others away from God into judgment. This was a sin God  took very seriously, He dealt with these men openly; in front of the whole congregation. It didn't matter if all of the Israelites followed them, they were still wrong. Do I judge a leader by the number of followers he has, or where God is in his life? (v. 17-18) The earth swallowed them up and fire consumed them. I think if I had seen that I would have understood what sin displeased God!
       It would have been amazing to see. God protecting His people from attacks within, that unrighteousness within the body of Christ does more damage than any attacks from outside.  At the same time, I am incredibly thankful this does not happen today! I am so thankful for God's mercy toward us, He remembers that we are but dust. If He dealt with the body of Christ like this today, would I be swallowed up?  Would I be one of the ones dissatisfied with where He has me? I like to think I would have been a righteous one, but would I have been swayed to believe a majority of leaders more than one who was right? Am I thankful for where God has me right now?
v.18 ~ The fire that came was to purify, just as we go through a fire of testing, purifying is necessary in our hearts. And in the church. It is usually painful, as it was for the whole congregation of Israelites.
 Lord, we need Your cleansing purifying fire for that which is unrighteous and ungodly to be burned up, within us individually and within the body of Christ as a whole, so that what is left is pure and clean, able to be used by You for Your purposes. And with Your cleansing purifying fire, give us again Your mercy, Your grace, that we may be renewed in our relationship with You, not destroyed as these men were. Thank you that You are both righteous and merciful!

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