Thursday, October 20, 2011


Psm.106:23 ~Therefore He said that He would destroy them, had not Moses His chosen one stood in the breach before Him, to turn away His wrath from destroying them.
    How could God have a people that were so fickle? Are we any different? Yet, Moses interceded for them. Here is Moses interceding for a people that he has already asked God why are they so hard-hearted  and rebellious. He knows who he is interceding for, what they are like, and he intercedes anyway. What an encouragement to me when I grow weary of interceding , especially when I see no change. Moses kept interceding - for 40 years! And the Israelites never changed. Yet Moses intercession  kept them alive. What an incredible picture of God's mercy.
v.24 ~ Have you ever hated a good gift you have been given? I haven't, I enjoy good gifts. But before the Israelites ever got to the Promised Land, they despised it. That means they hated it, before they ever saw it!
"they did not believe in His word", this sums up their problem very well, no faith- even after mighty miracles.
v.25 ~ But grumbled in their tents; they did not listen to the voice of the Lord.
    Set free from slavery, protected from death and all they could ever do was grumble! Grumbling drowns out God's voice, it makes our own voice (self) sound better, important even. It justifies rebellion or a  hard heart. It deafens our spirit to God. And it was done in the privacy of their own tents. Sometimes, even when we do things in the privacy of our homes, assured that it won't spread or hurt others, we damage the body. My private grumbling, my private disobedience, hurts every one of God's people- not just me. It keeps me from being the blessing to the body that God wants me to be. In my selfishness, I cripple the body, make it less complete, less able to accomplish all God desires of it. The private grumbling of the Israelites affected all of them. Even those who were obedient. This makes me much more aware of the spiritual ripples of my own discontent or dissatisfaction, (my names for grumbling). And much more convicted.
    After years of being in slavery their idea of freedom was to do what they wanted, to indulge the senses, the flesh. Yet God set them free to worship and serve Him. That is why He set us free as well. I do not always know how to worship and serve Him rightly, but if that is my goal He will teach me. If my goal is to do as I please without seeing the freedom for me that He sees, I put myself back into bondage.
    Lord, may my words never be as pleasant to me, to my ears and heart, as Yours are. May I believe Your word and value Your promise. May I always see Your word as true, even when it seems impossible. May You keep my heart, that I would not grumble or complain, even privately. Thank You for Your forgiveness when I grumble and Your mercy as I struggle to be grateful and content.  May I listen, with a heart to obey, to Your voice. Help each one of us to walk in Your freedom.

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