Thursday, February 23, 2012

Come, Holy Spirit

"In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation- having also believed, you were sealed in Him, with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory." Eph.1:13-14
  The Holy Spirit of promise, sent by Jesus to live in us who believe; to bring us to Jesus, to keep us in purity and holiness, always at work making Christ known in our hearts. (check Jn. 16:13-14) The pledge that we have been bought and paid for!
    Ever try to do something right and holy and just fall flat on your face? That's me- and often I feel like I didn't just fall on my face, but in some really gooey mud and it is stuck to me so everyone can see. All of us, if we are honest., recognize that we have no power in or of ourselves to really live as God desires us to ~ as Jesus died for us to live. That power to live comes only through the Holy Spirit, no amount of self-control will overcome the flesh. Yet, the Holy Spirit will cause the things of the flesh to fall away; drop off; and we  have victory. This takes a simple faith and just getting closer to Jesus; ask and obey. Jesus, my heart cry is just for cleansing- and He cleanses. We just have to not go back to the pig trough anymore! (obedience) And again, it is the Holy Spirit that gives us the power and ability to not go back. It is only by allowing Him to live and work in us that we can have a victorious walk. When we keep trying to beat something down, it pops back up again, and we wear ourselves out beating it down. But when God through the Holy Spirit beats it down- we have victory; we just have to not return to it again.
    Thank You Lord for sending Your Holy Spirit, all I have to do is say yes, and simple obedience brings growth. The growth shows me God's answers to big prayers. When I do not say yes, when I hold back for any reason, I grieve the Holy Spirit and distance myself from God and His answers to my prayers. He may answer me anyway, but I know that I have moved in the wrong direction. Then all I have to do is repent, look to Jesus and I am back, used of God with no distance between us at all!
Thank You Jesus for making walking with You in victory so easy. So simple. Forgive me for making it more complicated than You ever intend it to be. May each of us grasp the wonder of Your Holy Spirit working in us  for victory in our daily walk, for power over our flesh, our own nature, all for Your glory. May we all desire just to be closer to Jesus. May Your victory rule in our lives.

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