Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy New Year

2 Corinthians 5:17 ~"Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come."
I am about a month late here.I get so excited about a New Year, a clean slate, a time to start over or have a fresh start. Old things passing away and new things coming, I always look forward to new things! I have enough plans for this New Year to last 3 years or 5. I always have a lot of plans. A few years ago instead of doing a New Year's resolution, I started asking God what His goals for the year for me were, how did He want me to be focusing my time and energy. It has made a difference in the way I see the New Year, yes, it is still a  fresh start, a clean slate; but it comes with God given direction and strength. Do I still get everything done? No, I struggle with time priorities. I go too many directions at once, but when I am working on that which God has shown me at the beginning of the year, I have peace that passes all understanding and joy overflowing.
    This year as I was seeking God I didn't get a direction, just a daily assignment. Each day purpose to see God glorified in my life. Make this a conscious decision. So whether I am working or at home, cleaning toilets,  caring for a sick child,or in an abusive workplace, in a classroom studying or walking in the wilderness, the goal is the same. That God would be glorified. It has been a little over a month, some days I have succeeded in this, others I have failed miserably. It is a much harder goal for me than accomplishing a task; this takes my whole being and it means a change in my thinking. Each day I need to wake up and go through my day God-centered. It involves more surrender ~ but the joy is incredible. I have become more flexible with  my time, less stressed when what I want to do doesn't get done, and hopefully, more God centered.
   Lord, as we look at our lives, and where You have us this year, may we purpose to glorify You in all our ways. May You pick us up when we fail, for Your mercies are new every morning. May we lean on You as You give us strength for each day knowing what we will face in it. May we see that You are for us, and work in us daily for Your glory. May we thank You for the new things that come.

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