Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jesus speaks to fear

Matt. 14:25-27 ~ And in the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were frightened, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid."
    The disciples had been battered, they were tired, the night was almost gone, and Jesus came to them. Unexpectedly, quietly, in the midst of the wind and the waves; this was not a smooth glassy sea where all was suddenly still. This troubled or frightened the disciples, understandably so. It was the middle of the night, they were tired, this was very unusual.
    How often do we see Jesus coming unexpectedly, and we don't recognize Him? Or we are frightened. Why?
When we cannot trust our own senses do we, as the disciples, become troubled? The disciples had to wonder- is this real or is it just an apparition seen out of their own exhaustion and the wind and water. There are times in our night of being battered that we need Jesus; we want His answer so desperately that when He comes, we have to be sure it is Him, and not just our senses playing tricks on us.
     "and immediately Jesus spoke" Jesus comes and calms our fears, puts us at rest and reassures us, He is with us!  Jesus gave just a short sentence.  'Take courage'- what calming of our fears! Be encouraged. He spoke courage to them when they had none. 'It is I'- just hearing His voice should have calmed their doubts. Jesus identified Himself to them. 'Do not be afraid'- I am here, there is no need to fear.
    Father, as we struggle with life may we rest in Your presence, give us Your assurance of Your presence with us. Speak Your courage and Your peace to us, banish our fears, that we might see You in the midst of life's batterings. May we rejoice that You are with us and be thankful for Your comforting voice.Give us faith to believe when it is so dark and rough that we have trouble knowing You are present.

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