Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Impossible or Is possible

Matt. 14:28 ~ And Peter answered Him and said, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water."
   The disciples had already heard His voice, but there was still some uncertainty, some doubt. How could they be sure? And Peter said, Lord, command me (bid me) come to you. Do we, like Peter, ask Jesus for impossible proof that He is with us? In asking this, Peter was saying to Jesus I will put my life on the line so I know for sure it is You. Peter didn't step out of the boat with a rope around him, just in case Jesus wasn't there,  he didn't have a life preserver on, there was no plan B, he would walk on the water to Jesus or he would drown.  I would want a back up plan, a safety net, or rope in place--- just in case . I would want my friends in the boat  ready to pull me back. But that would have been trusting in the flesh and not in Jesus. Peter put all of his trust in Jesus and Jesus met him. I would miss the miracle!  for pragmatism, common sense safety. To think I would trust a rope before the Creator of the universe; my Savior! O Father, may I trust You, as Peter did, may I do Your bidding without preparing for 'what if I fail', trusting You with my very life- my all.

v.29 ~ And He said, "Come!" And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
    Jesus meets our honest doubts and fears every time! When He bids us to come to Him, no matter how difficult the way, or impossible it seems, He makes a way as we come to Him. So often I wait, I hesitate, I want the wind to be still and the sea to be calm, I want everything perfect before I get out of the boat. But Peter simply obeyed Jesus; and He walked on water! Lord, give me a heart to just come to You! Even when it appears impossible, life threatening, or contrary to all I know.

v.30 ~ But seeing the wind, he became afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!"
    Once Peter was out of the boat, walking on water, he saw the wind, he became distracted. But he was already moving toward Jesus in the impossible! I wonder about what those in the boat said to him; I am one of their voices. How about: 'Duh, Peter, the wind is still contrary, of course it's out there, didn't you count the cost?' or 'What were you thinking!' or  'It was foolishness to get out of the boat.' But even sinking, Peter cried out to Jesus, "Lord, save me!" He still trusted Jesus more than himself or the boat! And Jesus met him.
   Lord, I look at how many times I sink, at how often I fail, and not at Your face. I feel like a failure when I start something, only to have the wind push me down; and yet, You are ever faithful to pick me up and walk with me.

v.31 ~ And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
   Jesus took hold of him! And the only chastisement was for his lack of faith! Not for getting out of the boat. The rebuke was for his doubt.
   Lord Jesus, I cannot walk without You, Your presence walking with me, holding me up, in the midst of a contrary wind and battering waves. Keep my eyes focused on You that I would not doubt that with You the impossible is possible. Silence the voices that would keep me in the boat, never attempting to walk on water, trusting in myself and what I know, more than You. Free me Jesus, to trust You enough to keep getting out of the boat whenever You bid me "Come", knowing that even if (when) I fail You do not and You are there to pick me up.

v.32-33 ~ And when they got into the boat the wind stopped. And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, "You are certainly God's Son!"
     The wind did not stop until Peter was already safely in the boat. And the disciples who just minutes before were troubled, unsure, frightened, were worshiping Jesus as God's Son. Faith, even when it is unsteady and sinking, encourages others. The disciples became focused on Jesus because Peter stepped out of the boat! They were now in a place of worship and not fear. They saw Jesus more clearly.
  Lord, as I look at stepping out of the boat and see all the reasons to stay in the boat, give me simple obedience to just get out of the boat, that others would be encouraged in their faith. Even if all I do is get out and sink, it is You who saves me, and all would see You for who you are. Thank You for those who have gotten out of the boat, for their example and encouragement as their lives point me to You.

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