Thursday, August 18, 2011


Psalm 106:13~ "They quickly forgot His works; they did not wait for His counsel."
    When I quickly forget God's works it is because I am preoccupied or distracted. The Israelites, who did not have all the distractions of our technology still forgot God's works. I think- oh, if that distraction just wasn't around following God would be easier. God, give me a simpler life, without modern distractions! And it is the simple things in life that distract me, fixing a meal, doing laundry, visiting with others. All these things are necessary, so when does it become a distraction? When I forget what God has done.
     In the midst of my busy life, how do I remember, how do I choose to see, what God has done? I start with thanking Him for life, for the miracle of being able to get up and breathe and move and not have to figure it out first. He keeps me alive! Then the gift of a spiritual life, without Him, I am just a cardboard shell. Then the gift of family and friends, food, shelter. I guess I need to count my blessings, seeing Him as the source of each one. Has God done big works in your life?  A time when you know God intervened for you? The Israelites were to remember their freedom from bondage, the crossing of the Red Sea, the keeping power of God in the wilderness and the victory of the Promised land. These were big things, yet they forgot.
  Lord, may we not forget Your works, the big or the little, what You have mightily done for us, for Your Name.  Bring them to our mind, that we would regularly be reminded of Your works in us, around us and for us. As we remind ourselves may we remind others as well. Guard us against being distracted from You.
   The Israelites also did not wait for His counsel. This ties so closely to forgetting His works! If we do not remember what He has done, how can we be sure His counsel is necessary?  We become self reliant, trusting that our way will work and we can do things our own way. We wind up trusting in our own knowledge and ability more than trusting God to work things out. We no longer wait on God,  we don't review the great and mighty things He has already done, being assured that they will continue. Teach us how to remember Your works so we would trust in You, and Your ways, so we would seek Your counsel. Lord, it is so tempting to trust myself more than You, to try and figure out my own way, especially when I am going through a hard time, to think that I have to come up with an answer. Yet, You just want me to trust You, to remember how mighty You are. If You can care for the Israelites as they go through the wilderness, surely You can take care of me and my needs, be they big or small. Thank you for Your living presence in my life. May each of us trust God more today, and remember His works.

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