Thursday, August 4, 2011

Psalm 106 part 1; an intercessor's psalm

    A Psalm of an intercessor, so full of  Israel's wrongdoing, but also showing God's incredible lovingkindness and mercy. This psalm starts with praise to God and an acknowledgment that there aren't enough words to adequately praise Him. That is so very true! Once started there is no end to God's praise. And if I pay attention, I see His works all day long and can praise Him all day for His goodness. But I get caught up in the day's activities, in my life, and I miss seeing His hand, or His handiwork and I miss praising Him. My attitude changes from one of thanksgiving and privilege to one of  dullness and duty.
So with this psalmist, may I sing Your praise today Lord, open my eyes that I may see Your handiwork, and have a heart of thanksgiving.
  Psm. 106:4-5 ~ "Remember me, O Lord, in Thy favor toward Thy people; visit me with Thy salvation,  (5) that I may see the prosperity of Thy chosen ones, that I may rejoice in the gladness of Thy nation, that I may glory with Thine inheritance."
   A cry to the Lord, not just for favor but also to see God's hand move in the nation so the psalmist could glory in God's inheritance. My heart cry is not always that big. I want God to move in my nation, and I want to see that move, but to be honest, I am usually more wrapped up in my life than in interceding for the nation. I pick small prayers. Is it because I lack the faith for the big? Because I am unsure if God can really do it? Or is it  because I don't want to invest myself, my time, pain in my heart, for a nation? I don't want to pay the price to intercede for this nation. This convicts me. Am I praying the prayers God has asked me to pray?
   But I, with the psalmist, want God's favor shown in His people, that it would be seen, and I would have eyes to see it; so there would be rejoicing among God's people, the body of Christ, and we, as the body may glory with God's inheritance. And I pray for that diligently. So is the focus of intercession a matter of calling?  I do not struggle praying for people, sometimes I may resist dying to self to pray, but that is different. Maybe it is a matter of growth, and I am not yet able to battle the principalities and powers of the nation.
   Lord, may Your people have prosperity of soul, solid knowledge of You, a firm walk with You daily, a desire to grow in You by the power of Your Holy Spirit and may we see Your hand move, in the lives of our people and in this nation. Grow us, me especially, to pray the big prayers. May we be obedient to pray the prayers You give us to pray, may You work through each of us for Your glory.

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