Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Psalm 106; part 2

  Psalm 106:6- "We have sinned like our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have behaved wickedly." Verses 6-46 are a confession of sin and a declaration of God's mercy. I love the 'we' in v.6. An intercessor so identifies with the sin of those being prayed for that they take that sin as their own to God. It is also a recognition that none of us are righteous; we have all sinned; it is our nature, as all who have gone before us. No matter how much right we do, we still blow it.Then this intercessor lists the sins of Israel; not content to just have a generic identification of sin, he identifies with each one. As Christ is our intercessor, this identification with sin had to happen so there could be repentance. Then, this intercessor repented- for the whole, he did not wait for the people to repent, he did it for them! So the whole country could see God's mercy. Not a finger pointer- but a fellowman in need of God's mercy.
v.7~ "Our fathers in Egypt did not understand Thy wonders; they did not remember Thine abundant kindnesses, but they rebelled by the seas, at the Red Sea."
     When we do not understand God's wonders or remember His abundant kindnesses we will rebel. Just as Israel did. One must understand God's wonders and see them to have a living relationship with Jesus. Rebellion is a part of our fallen nature; but also comes from not understanding God's wonders and not consciously remembering the good He has done for us. What inspires awe in us? Have we become so accustomed to explaining everything that we no longer stand in wonder over anything? Do we look back at God's wonders in our own lives? His unique working on our behalf, just because of his incredible love and mercy for us. When we are going through a trying time do we thank Him, remembering his goodness to us, or do we moan about having to go through it?  We all think the trial we are going through is the hardest, or most difficult, but the Israelites thought that as well. And we can see the great deliverance God was working on their behalf!
  Which brings us to v. 8, "Nevertheless He saved them for the sake of His name, that He might make His power known." What a God! He has ungrateful, complaining people, sinning against Him, rebelling, refusing to acknowledge his past wonders and He saves them. What mercy! We are no different. In the midst of our rebellion God saves and shows His power, not just to His people or for His people, but so their enemies would see as well. He saves us for the sake of His name and to show His power!
   Thank You that this was fully accomplished the day Jesus died on the cross;  He saved us; a rebellious people, for His Name's sake. He made known His power, through the resurrection, to give us new hearts and new lives, to make us His.
    Lord, give us intercessor hearts, identifying with the sin of those we pray for, or even the sin of our nation, that we would look at others with Your mercy. May we see Your mighty hand of deliverance in our dark times or trials. When we forget Your goodness, bring to our remembrance the good You have done for us. Give us thankful hearts in the midst of our hard times. Remind us that this trying time is not just for us, but for others (our enemies?) to see Your mighty power. Thank You for Your incredible mercy, that saves us in the midst of our rebellion. May Your Name and power be known in and through Your people today.

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