Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Night Watch

 Luke 1:8 ~ "And it came to pass in the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields, and keeping watch over their flock by night."
      He loved the night shift; the silence, the feeling of being a protector- even if it was just of sheep. He loved the stillness. Maybe a shepherd felt this way on his way to guard the sheep- to keep watch so very long ago.
Shift workers have a different rhythm to their life. They are  up when others sleep, they sleep when others have been up and working for hours. Their social life is different, they work when others have time to visit. They become invisible, non-entities in a world of business and activity. These shepherds were faithfully working the  night shift. Maybe their ears were attuned to the night sounds, straining for any sound out of the ordinary, listening to the sheep  and to what was beyond the sheep. Maybe their eyes were looking at the shadows beyond the flocks. And maybe they were talking about how  many strangers there were in town, how busy their quiet village had become. They were at work, invisible to most  of  Bethlehem.
    Then their night was interrupted. Lk. 1:9~ "And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terribly afraid."
      This was not expected, this was not something to fight, this was a right reaction to a messenger from God. No question in their minds that this was real and not a dream!
Lk. 1:10-11 ~ "And the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
      These shepherds were reassured, and given the biggest news story ever. The Messiah had come! The Christ was here- born in Bethlehem! A Savior- finally! Maybe they didn't grasp the fullness of what it meant, but they grasped enough! God had come to the invisible, the shift workers, the one who missed out on everything, and told them first!  Why? Maybe because they were up and doing their job, maybe because He was the Shepherd of Israel, maybe because they had learned humility, maybe simply because they were keeping watch; listening and watching, so they saw and heard.
Lk 1:12-14~ " 'And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths, and lying in a manger.' And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.'"
   When the miraculous was over, these men would need to know if this was indeed true; how could they prove it?  So they were given a sign, something concrete to check out, a proof that would be there after the glory of the moment faded.
Lk.1: 15-17 ~"And it came about when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds began saying to one another, 'Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened that the Lord has made known to us.' And they came in haste and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the manger. And when they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child."
      These shepherds understood priorities. Leave the sheep unguarded, something greater than sheep was happening! They acted immediately, this was not a 'sit down and lets think about this time', this was a 'let's check it out  time'! And they did! This was for all the people- they told everyone.
    Lord, in our work, whether the night shift or day, may we watch and listen for You. When you show Yourself to us, may we see You. It probably won't be an angel or a chorus of angels, but it may be a baby, or another person that You use to touch us, to help us to really see You in the midst. And then, when we see You, may we share You with all the people~ so they too would rejoice in the Savior, Christ the Lord.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mary's Surrender

Luke 1:38~ And Mary said, "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord, be it done to me according to Your word." And the angel departed from her.
     I often have wondered, what if Mary really knew what she was getting into when she said these words- would she still have said them? How many of us, when we surrender to the Lord really understand what that means? Yes, Mary had a high honor, but her surrender took great courage. When God asks us to surrender, it also takes courage on our part.
      As the story of Jesus unfolds let us look at what Mary gave up (surrendered).
                        - her reputation
                        - a wedding
                        - her expectations of life as it had always been
                        - a birthing with her female relatives helping
                        - being physically close to relatives
  And as she surrendered all this to God ~ what did He give her?
                       - a husband who not only loved her, but believed her
                       - travel, even to a foreign land
                       - shepherds and angels coming to seek Jesus, just after his birth
                       - gifts from magi
                        - a Savior, not just for her, but for all the world
 She really didn't see any of this at the point of surrender. She was simply, humbly, obedient to the angel of the Lord.  Just as many years later Jesus showed simple, humble obedience to God as he lay down his life for us.
    Father, You have given us so many examples in scripture of obedience and surrender, may this one, from Mary speak to our hearts. Help us, as we struggle with full surrender to You, not always have to know everything coming, not to always have to figure it all out first, but to simply trust You, and in trusting, to simply and humbly obey You, surrendering all of ourselves to You. Give us the courage to do this. Thank You for Your abundant grace and strength to accomplish Your will for us today.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Luke 1:37 ~ "For nothing will be impossible with God."
     An angel was talking to Mary, she had just been told she would have a child, and she wondered how this could be. And the angel gave her this word. I struggle with the impossibles in my life ~ none as great as Mary's. But I think we all look at the impossible and say, "It can't happen." or " How?"  It may not sound like faith, but 'how' is a faith question, the conversation with God is still open. And He has the last word-nothing is impossible.
          As life's struggles overwhelm and we look at the impossible in our own life, the lives of those we love, or those we pray for- God still works the impossible today. He gives strength for each day, He answers prayer, He changes lives, He sets captives free- no matter the addiction or  bondage, He is greater. He is also Jehovah Jireh- our amazing provider. When physical needs look impossible to meet- He is faithful-He is greater than our need.
     Maybe God has given you a word, a promise that He would do something specific for you and it has been years, it hasn't happened yet. Remember His word- and remember it is He who brings His word to pass and nothing is impossible with God. Even when we cannot see it or grasp it, when it is beyond our comprehension, God is still faithful to bring it to pass. In His way, in His time and for His glory.
      As Christmas comes and we sort through all the season means, may God bless us with answers to the impossibles in our life. May we have in each of us a new hope and faith for His work. May we see Him working in a way that makes the impossibles completely possible by God's power. May we expect Him to  be greater than all the impossibles we face.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Joy of Children's Christmas Programs

    I love children's Christmas programs. I love the anticipation, the excitement, the intense pride of each child as they go up to say their piece or play their part, or play an instrument.  There is an expectancy in the air that is rarely felt in adult programs. Inevitably something goes wrong. The sheep crawls off the stage, the donkey grabs the microphone and won't let go, the pianist, who practiced perfectly,  starts with all their fingers just a note off. And then the beauty and glory of a Christmas program happens. It is in the mistakes that we see God's love and grace, the perfect don't need it. I clap louder for those children who stop and start over, or who stumble through their piece. Because  I see Jesus, I see His face loving these children in their honesty, their genuineness. I see more clearly the reason He came. We all, like sheep, have gone astray. We all think we are the only one with something important to say, and we all make mistakes- every day. That is why Jesus came- to save us from our self- something we can never do. When we try to be perfect, we never can, and we fall, then Jesus comes and lovingly picks us up, takes us to Himself and gives us a hug. Just like so many parents do with their children. Through the mistakes  I am reminded more strongly of God's wondrous love for us, His sending His Son to earth to become an offering for my sin, His redemption of me- and all of my mistakes.
I love children's Christmas programs, the children in them and the mistakes that teach me so much more of Jesus.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Ministry of Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

Luke 10:38b-42  " and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. And she had a sister called Mary, who moreover, was listening to the Lord's word, seated at His feet. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him , and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me." But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only a few things are necessary, really only one, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her." "

It is so easy to be busy doing what we think is important. Feeding our families, washing their clothes.  Teaching Sunday school, being about our Father's business. After all we ARE to occupy until He returns... doesn't that mean constantly doing ministry? In our results oriented culture we forget that sometimes just being is all Jesus wants. Just sitting at His feet, soaking up His presence. Why is it so hard?
  I look at that position, it involves humility. We are at His feet, we are invisible to most others, and possibly thought less of by others, but, we are looking up to Jesus, looking into His face. What joy! As I sit at Jesus' feet, I recognize He is Lord. Not just my Lord, but Lord over all, in command of all, even those who may be my enemies. All those other voices calling me to 'get busy and do' become dim as I look at Him. When I am at His feet I see myself in proper perspective to Jesus. I am at His feet to worship and adore Him, to soak in who He is, to just be near Him as much as I can.
    Sitting at His feet involves protection. There will always be those who think I should be doing more, even if it is the voice in my own head that says I am useless at Jesus' feet. But Jesus answers the critics and accusers- it is not my job to answer or defend myself.  To those who want me caught up in ministry or work, Jesus says," You worry about so many things...".  Sitting at the feet of Jesus protects me from worry. I am doing what He wants me to do, so I am free from unnecessary cares. Being at His feet protects me from burn out and complaining. As I sit at His feet He shows me what is most important. Then He enables me to do it and it is easy and fun! And He looks at me and says I have chosen the good part.  I didn't realize it was good, I just thought it was all I could do.
    When I give out of myself what I give is limited and selfish. When I give from having been at the feet of Jesus what I give brings life. Sitting at His feet opens my eyes to trust Him...He could provide the meal, no sweat! It opens my eyes to possibilities I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. Sitting at His feet brings Jesus pleasure, and when He is pleased He overflows me with His joy.
     Even though I come to worship and bless Him, I get more than anything when I sit at His feet. So is it selfish to be in  that spot? Never, it is an acknowledgement of His sovereignty and Lordship. It puts Him where He should be in my life... above all else. It keeps me where I can give out of the overflow. Ministering to Jesus should always be my first priority, even if that is all I do.
     Sitting at  Jesus feet keeps me from distraction. I am more focused on His word and not pulled away by other things. It protects me from bad attitudes and emotional difficulties. When distracted I am easier prey for the lies of the enemy. Some that show up in Martha are: God doesn't care, self-pity, anger, it's not fair, and pride (giving God orders). She felt abandoned by her sister in a time of need, she was serving Jesus and maybe feeling a little self- righteous. According to her, Mary's place was in the kitchen. Martha had wrong expectations, it is easy to become overburdened and burned out with those! Jesus, in His great love for Martha reminds her to look at what matters. The root was her distraction from Him to do for Him. Sitting at His feet returns us to Him.
   Lord, Mary chose the necessary, help me to see what is necessary. I, too, get distracted by so many things... and then I begin to think they are what is important. And my focus shifts, my energy is drained, my time with Jesus interrupted and shortened because I am working so hard on the temporal I forget the eternal. And I get cranky (just like Martha), my focus is self  ~ not Jesus. What Martha was doing for Jesus became more important than Jesus! Sometimes our service, intended to honor Jesus , winds up becoming a production that honors self or our group.  And we find we are distracted and looking for others to praise us for our hard work, because Jesus isn't.  Why? We have missed the sitting at His feet ~ the good part. Lord, help me, help us, as Your children, to choose the good part, as Mary, undistracted, totally focused on You.
     The needs of others never stop. We can always be busy with necessary things. Yet the break that we need is one of sitting at the feet of Jesus. Time with Jesus is a time of refreshing and renewing. He, our Lord and Master has made a feast for us from His Word and He is so gentle as He says, "Come and eat your fill."
    I think of a song from many years ago, "Lord I only want to bless you while I'm sitting at Your feet, Nothing in this world can woo me from this blessed holy seat. All that I can do is thank You, all that I can do is praise, all that I can do is lift my hands and sing Your praise."
  What woos me from that blessed place? from just sitting at His feet?
Lord, keep us looking at Your face, sitting at Your feet, hungry for Your word. Free from distraction, worries and cares, free from wrong expectations and pride. Refresh and renew us with Yourself. Give us a heart of worship and praise flowing from a heart for You. May God bless each of us with a time just to bask in His presence, to sit at His feet.