Monday, December 5, 2011

Joy of Children's Christmas Programs

    I love children's Christmas programs. I love the anticipation, the excitement, the intense pride of each child as they go up to say their piece or play their part, or play an instrument.  There is an expectancy in the air that is rarely felt in adult programs. Inevitably something goes wrong. The sheep crawls off the stage, the donkey grabs the microphone and won't let go, the pianist, who practiced perfectly,  starts with all their fingers just a note off. And then the beauty and glory of a Christmas program happens. It is in the mistakes that we see God's love and grace, the perfect don't need it. I clap louder for those children who stop and start over, or who stumble through their piece. Because  I see Jesus, I see His face loving these children in their honesty, their genuineness. I see more clearly the reason He came. We all, like sheep, have gone astray. We all think we are the only one with something important to say, and we all make mistakes- every day. That is why Jesus came- to save us from our self- something we can never do. When we try to be perfect, we never can, and we fall, then Jesus comes and lovingly picks us up, takes us to Himself and gives us a hug. Just like so many parents do with their children. Through the mistakes  I am reminded more strongly of God's wondrous love for us, His sending His Son to earth to become an offering for my sin, His redemption of me- and all of my mistakes.
I love children's Christmas programs, the children in them and the mistakes that teach me so much more of Jesus.

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