Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mary's Surrender

Luke 1:38~ And Mary said, "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord, be it done to me according to Your word." And the angel departed from her.
     I often have wondered, what if Mary really knew what she was getting into when she said these words- would she still have said them? How many of us, when we surrender to the Lord really understand what that means? Yes, Mary had a high honor, but her surrender took great courage. When God asks us to surrender, it also takes courage on our part.
      As the story of Jesus unfolds let us look at what Mary gave up (surrendered).
                        - her reputation
                        - a wedding
                        - her expectations of life as it had always been
                        - a birthing with her female relatives helping
                        - being physically close to relatives
  And as she surrendered all this to God ~ what did He give her?
                       - a husband who not only loved her, but believed her
                       - travel, even to a foreign land
                       - shepherds and angels coming to seek Jesus, just after his birth
                       - gifts from magi
                        - a Savior, not just for her, but for all the world
 She really didn't see any of this at the point of surrender. She was simply, humbly, obedient to the angel of the Lord.  Just as many years later Jesus showed simple, humble obedience to God as he lay down his life for us.
    Father, You have given us so many examples in scripture of obedience and surrender, may this one, from Mary speak to our hearts. Help us, as we struggle with full surrender to You, not always have to know everything coming, not to always have to figure it all out first, but to simply trust You, and in trusting, to simply and humbly obey You, surrendering all of ourselves to You. Give us the courage to do this. Thank You for Your abundant grace and strength to accomplish Your will for us today.

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