Monday, December 12, 2011

Luke 1:37 ~ "For nothing will be impossible with God."
     An angel was talking to Mary, she had just been told she would have a child, and she wondered how this could be. And the angel gave her this word. I struggle with the impossibles in my life ~ none as great as Mary's. But I think we all look at the impossible and say, "It can't happen." or " How?"  It may not sound like faith, but 'how' is a faith question, the conversation with God is still open. And He has the last word-nothing is impossible.
          As life's struggles overwhelm and we look at the impossible in our own life, the lives of those we love, or those we pray for- God still works the impossible today. He gives strength for each day, He answers prayer, He changes lives, He sets captives free- no matter the addiction or  bondage, He is greater. He is also Jehovah Jireh- our amazing provider. When physical needs look impossible to meet- He is faithful-He is greater than our need.
     Maybe God has given you a word, a promise that He would do something specific for you and it has been years, it hasn't happened yet. Remember His word- and remember it is He who brings His word to pass and nothing is impossible with God. Even when we cannot see it or grasp it, when it is beyond our comprehension, God is still faithful to bring it to pass. In His way, in His time and for His glory.
      As Christmas comes and we sort through all the season means, may God bless us with answers to the impossibles in our life. May we have in each of us a new hope and faith for His work. May we see Him working in a way that makes the impossibles completely possible by God's power. May we expect Him to  be greater than all the impossibles we face.

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