Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Test of Sudden Success

Gen 41:14~ "The Pharaoh sent and called for Joseph, and they hurriedly brought him out of the dungeon,...and he came to Pharaoh."  In less than a day Joseph went from prisoner to second to Pharaoh. Few of us are tested with sudden success- most of us are tested the opposite way- from much to nothing, or at least lots less! Joseph handled this exceptionally well, so there is much to learn.
   He remained humble, he spoke and responded with humility to Pharaoh. When Pharaoh asked Joseph to interpret the dreams, he said "I hear you are a man who can interpret a dream when you hear it." What a set up for pride! Yet Joseph did not get cocky or try to prove he was above others. He responded with humility and giving God credit."It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer."
    How easy it is to think that there is something in us that brings sudden success, and forget that it is God who works all things together. Joseph also didn't play the victim here, with a "Finally someone remembered me! Pharaoh, hear my case then I will interpret the dreams for you."  He remained a humble servant.
   As Joseph gave credit to God for the dreams, he honored Pharaoh as receiver of the dreams. Not once did he take honor for  the dreams, or the interpretation of them. The honor went to those to whom it was due.
   Joseph did not mince words with Pharaoh, he gave an honest interpretation. Joseph did not soften God's message. He made it clear that this famine would be severe.
   Then Joseph went beyond the interpretation. He could have stopped, the interpretation was done, but he kept talking.  He presented a plan to Pharaoh for the protection of Egypt during the famine. And Pharaoh decided God's Spirit was in Joseph so he was appointed 2nd to Pharaoh in all the land.
Fine clothes, jewelry, power, praise of people. All the trappings of success.  And Joseph still saw himself as God's servant. The lessons he had learned as a slave, and in prison had stuck. Who Joseph was had not changed, just who he reported to.
    This freedom from prison did not give Joseph freedom to go home, to see his family. He was free to serve Pharaoh. Joseph's expectation of what he might do in freedom may have been different than reality. Often, when we look for success the reality is different than our thought or dreams of what it might look like. For Joseph, his responsibility rose significantly, but he remained a servant in a foreign land and God made him fruitful. "...'For, he (Joseph) said, 'God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction'." Gen.41:52
    He understood even his freedom or success was about doing God's bidding, it wasn't about him. And God was able to use him to save his whole family.
    Lord, so often we think if You haven't answered a prayer they way we expect, You haven't answered completely, so we miss Your blessing of fruitfulness. Your answer that would lead us differently than we had hoped, yet more fully. Father, when You bless us with sudden success, please keep us humble, honest, and honoring of others. Remind us, that it is still You we serve, and honoring You is most important. Give us eyes to see ourselves as useless without You, and as Your servant. Help us realize that Your plan God, is so much bigger than just us.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Living Out Forgiveness

    Have you ever been so hurt, so wounded, that the very thought of forgiving brought such anger you wondered where it came from? There are so many who say,"You don't know my pain." or "This hurt is so deep, I can't ever forgive." Yet forgiveness is commanded. We do not often see others forgive those who have hurt them, it is not modeled for us to copy. How do we learn to forgive? Often, we cannot forgive, and that is a good place to start- confession of our own inability to forgive. Then asking God to give us the ability to forgive. And then, finding a practical picture of forgiveness we can walk. This is found in Gen.45:4-14. Joseph had just revealed himself to his brothers, and they were dismayed.They were not asking for reconciliation. Not a joyous family reunion. How did Joseph respond?
    In v.4 Joseph says, "Please come closer to me." Joseph closes the gap, both physically and emotionally. No past grudge is shown. No thought of  'they hurt me, so they should repent first.' or even expecting them to make the first move. Joseph initiates reconciliation. The one hurt- not the ones who inflicted the hurt.
    Verse 5 " not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life."  Joseph encouraged his brothers to forget about the past, not by sweeping it under the rug as if it had never happened; but by seeing it through God's eyes. God had a plan for this, Joseph saw his life,years of slavery and separation from family as part of God's wonderful plan. He urged his brothers to see it that way as well.  In having this attitude, Joseph was not holding his brothers guilty. He did not hang onto a desire to see them pay for what pain they had caused. He gave up his right to treat them as he had been treated. All he wanted was the joy of reconciliation. When others hurt us- do we release them of  the burden of responsibility? Joseph repeated this 3 times in v.5,7,& 8, assuring them that this was God's plan all along. Absolving them of guilt, making sure they heard God's involvement in it all.
    Then in v.9 &10 Joseph welcomes them.'Come down to me, and do not delay'. Come, live here, all of you!
 I will give you the best of the land, you shall live near me. What a welcome! A picture of complete forgiveness. And Joseph doesn't stop there. In v.11 he says "There I will also provide for you,".
    Joseph was looking out for the welfare of those who had given him the most pain. He was ministering to them and seeing ahead to their future needs. True forgiveness looks out for the welfare of those who have hurt us, ministering to needs they may not even know they have. Meeting practical needs in their lives as well.
   What a beautiful picture of how God wants us to walk in reconciliation- reaching out beyond the 'I forgive you' that we learn when we are young to the "I welcome you and I will take care of you". A foreshadowing of the work Jesus has done- yes He has forgiven us, at great cost, but He also welcomes us to Himself and takes care of us.
 O Lord, today may I walk in that forgiveness, receiving from you and giving to others that which is beyond my own ability and comes fully from You, ministering to the hearts of others.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

God's Incredible Wondrous Love

 Do you know how much God loves you? Do you understand His father's heart- for you?
He is always with us-Matt.28:20, and Heb.13:5. He calls us His friends, as we obey Him-Jn.15:14.
But often, in the midst of a really hard time, we think He doesn't love us. That He just doesn't care.
Look at His love:
              - He loved Jacob enough to give him Joseph- and take him away 17 years later so all the family would be saved.
             - He loved Joseph enough to train him as a servant, so he would learn wisdom and humility in serving so a nation would be saved.
             - He loved Esther enough to allow her to be chosen by a wicked king as his wife, so her people  would be saved.
             - He loved the 3 Hebrew young men enough to let them be thrown into a fiery furnace... and bring  them out again. And their clothes weren't even singed! So His Name would be exalted!
           - He loved us enough to send Jesus, His own Son, to be rejected and beaten and killed by men, so that these men and all mankind could be saved, delivered from their/our own hidden evil and made new.
           - He loved Saul enough to blind him for 3 days so he would understand who Jesus was/is.
   Whatever you are going through right now- confusion, illness, family relationship difficulties, impossible situations, deep grief,  financial tsunami, know God loves you.
    He loves you enough to see you through it.
    He loves you enough to strengthen you in and through it.
    He loves you enough to use you in it.
    He loves you enough to use it to prepare you to be used by Him for a greater purpose.
  We may never understand why we must go through certain circumstances or trials. But we can always know God loves us and is with us. And when the weakness of our very frame causes us to doubt and falter- may we know God is still holding us and loving us.
May you be strengthened by His love, in His love and with His love.

"For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you. And my covenant of peace will not be shaken," says the Lord who has compassion on you." Is.54:10

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Gen. 40:23 ~ "Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him."
   For two full years Joseph was forgotten, left in prison. I wonder, Lord, did he feel forgotten by You? I assume he continued to be faithful in his work in prison- but did he wonder if there was a purpose to what he did? Did his dreams mock him? How intensely did he have to deal with the attacks from satan, or any enemy?  Two full years.
     Undocumented in this passage of Scripture is forgiveness. Joseph had to have forgiven, and walked in that forgiveness to the cupbearer. If he had not it would have come out in his words and actions somehow. What is our attitude towards those who have forgotten us? Do we become bitter or angry? Do we deem them untrustworthy? Do we still walk in integrity in our dealings with them? It seemed as if Joseph had no ill feelings toward this cupbearer, even when forgotten. He was not bound by another's failings. Do I forgive those who I feel have forgotten me? Not just with words, but in my heart?
    How do I respond when I feel I have been forgotten? Am I in grief or despair? Do I stop having a spirit of praise? Do I become vengeful? Am I full of self-pity? Or do I trust that He is still God and is working His purpose out. It is hard when we feel abandoned by others- or even God, to still trust and believe God is working. It is hard, but not impossible. For, in truth, God has not abandoned us, He is still working to accomplish His purpose, His way and in His time. Even when I see or hear nothing
    How often do we forget others? Because of our own busy ness? Out of fear? Or pride? Is there someone in my life, or yours, right now that God is prompting us to remember? Someone we have forgotten? Someone who would benefit from a good word? Do we say we will pray for someone and forget? How easy it is to think it doesn't really matter.
      We have all been the one who forgets as well as the one forgotten. Neither is easy.  No matter which I am Lord, may I allow you to rule my reactions. May there be no room for self; that I would not be so self focused I would forget others. May I see God's hand and purpose in the times I have been forgotten more than my own feelings, trusting Him as Joseph did.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Speaking the Truth in Love

Gen. 40:8~ "Then they said to him, "We have had a dream and there is no one to interpret it."  Then Joseph said to them, "Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell it to me, please." "
  Here the baker and cupbearer are in prison and each had a dream that needed interpretation, but how could that happen in prison? There was no one to interpret. Joseph knew God well enough to have confidence that He would give Joseph the interpretation. Such rest and trust! All we need belongs to God- we just have to ask Him for it! May I, may we all, know You this well.
    As Joseph interpreted these dreams he started with the cupbearer's, a favorable interpretation from God, the cupbearer would be restored to service for the king in just 3 days. It is a joy to let others know when results will be good , it is not always as easy to let others know when the results will be negative. The baker was just waiting to see what would be the outcome of the cupbearer's dream, he wanted to know there would be a favorable interpretation. So often, I want a favorable answer, one that will show me that my circumstance has a positive outcome, just like this baker, I hang back, waiting to see if that is possible. But when Joseph gave the interpretation it was not positive. Yet, Joseph did not shrink back in giving it, he was truthful even when the message he had to give showed the baker's death. In honoring God as giver of interpretations, Joseph must give the hard as well as the good. Joseph showed integrity and truthfulness even when others did not show those qualities to him. He responded to each of these men with respect; even when one would die and could not help him. Can God trust me with the hard things, or do I shrink back?  Do I treat others with the respect they need as human beings, or do I see them as objects, to use for obtaining what I want? And if I see men as objects, how do I see God? As one I serve, or as one who serves me?
    Lord, work in me this godly quality of trusting You for what is needed right at the moment, even when it is to fill a need for another. May I treat everyone with the respect they deserve as a human being.  Work such a sensitivity to You in me that I would speak Your word when needed and not shrink back when it is hard or unpleasant. May I also honor You with my speech.