Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Pit

Gen.37:23-24~ "So it came about, when Joseph reached his brothers, that they stripped Joseph of his varicolored tunic that was on him; (24) and they took him and they threw him into the pit. Now the pit was empty, without any water in it."  This passage doesn't show a struggle, Joseph putting up a fight and protesting for his rights. It doesn't show Joseph pleading with his brothers or crying out. It doesn't show him yelling, " Just you wait, I'll get you."  Joseph had been on a mission from his father, he was doing what he was told to do and wound up  in a pit. Without his robe, an outward reminder of his father's love for him. He was attacked for who he was, a beloved son, not for what he did. And it looks like he did not retaliate in anyway, even when it was happening! Joseph was going through some hard times, and all he was doing was being obedient. This reminds me of Jesus, through the passion and on the cross. Joseph was betrayed by his own brothers!  Sometimes Lord, my pit looks so dark and deep and lifeless I wonder if I am stuck forever. But You are in that pit with me! Thank you Jesus! And, as you got Joseph out- you get me out as well.
   vv, 25-28 ~ As the brothers sat down to eat, it happened that a caravan was passing by. I love this. Nothing just happens when God is in our lives.He orders our steps, even when it may seem like our darkest hour. Joseph was not killed, but sold into slavery. Was he thankful, confused? His reaction is not mentioned. When I look at his whole life, he always had a servant's heart, I would expect even now, he was serving.
    Lord, You did not deliver Joseph from his adversity; but blessed him in the midst of it. If it were me, I am not sure I would call slavery a blessing, but God did.
   Lord, when I go through adversity, may my eyes be on Jesus. May I be so yielded to Him that He would be glorified in the midst of the hard things; when I am falsely accused, when others see me as a slave- their slave!- when I am rejected by family, or unable to say goodby to those I love. May I see that circumstances don't have to limit me, for it is You that causes me to prosper. As you caused Joseph to prosper. remind me God, that as I do what You tell me to do, You bring the reward, in Your way and time.

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