Wednesday, May 25, 2011


    I have been pondering, why did God include Tamar in the lineage of Jesus? I see how it shows redemption of our own sin nature. But Judah called her "more righteous than I". Sometimes others see our sin clearly, or we see others sin clearly,  when God sees what is righteous. We are a mix of glaring faults and God's forgiveness and mercy. Tamar is as well. She had married two men who had been disobedient to God and died in that disobedience.Maybe she had learned from that. Gen,38:11-14- Tamar is living as a betrothed woman in her parent's house. She was faithful and patient. She could not break this without there being a settlement between her father and Judah. What was her social life like? A widow, yet engaged. How many men did she say no to? What did she say no to so she could keep her word? And if Judah did not keep his, what was left for her?
She noticed that Judah did not keep his word. What was to happen to her? 
     In Tamar, I see someone trying to live by faith, but becoming desperate when the expected  answer does not come. I also see someone who God sees as righteous while I scratch my head and wonder. So Lord, give me eyes to see as You do, to see the heart of faith, no matter how tiny it may be. To see the righteous actions from one I may not normally give a second glance to. Even when it is myself I need to see through Your eyes. Give me a heart to receive this person as You would. Lord, not push them away. or judge them harshly. And when I feel deeply wounded and sinned against, as Judah did, may I see my own sin in the situation, so I may se the other as more righteous.
 Thank you God for Your abundant mercy and grace freely given through Jesus Christ.
"A bruised reed He will not break, and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish;" Is.42:3a

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