Saturday, May 28, 2011

Joseph's Hard Times

    Joseph went through 7 hard times recorded in Genesis chapters 37, 39 and 40.
First-Gen.37:5-11- the hard time of God given impossible dreams. When God gives dreams, they are ridiculed, often by the very ones you expect to give support. It is a time of testing- will the one the dream has been given to still believe? Joseph's response or reaction was one of faithfulness and obedience. He still honored God and had another dream!
Second- Gen.37:4,5,11,18-  The hard time of hatred from family, his brothers; being misunderstood for who he was, not for what he did. His reaction in v.17 showed he still honored his father in service for him and to his brothers. He did not let their hatred affect his response.
Third-  Gen. 37:23,28- Betrayal.  Joseph did not fight back, apparently not even verbally, no guilt trip for these brothers from him! Did he believe they would really kill him? Did he so trust in God that he was assured that God would keep him no matter what? O Lord, That I would have that assurance! That peace, that You are in control, even when things look horrible.
Fourth- Gen.37:36, 39:2-5,- Slavery. What were his thoughts as he was being led away from his family? Sold by his brothers? For the first time Joseph was really alone- no family, no friends, no one who loved him. His response seems to be one of acceptance, making the best of a rotten deal. Serving those he is with and helping others in the same situation. Not giving bitterness, self pity or resentment the time of day. Guarding his attitudes by being yielded to God. How do I know he is yielded? Because once he is sold to Potiphar, Joseph's character is observed. This character can only happen in one who has been yielded to God in the hard times. Joseph remained accountable to his master and to God.So Joseph is then BLESSED as a slave. Not delivered from being a slave, but blessed in it.
Lord, when I am treated as a slave, and as no more, let me see You, Your hand, refining me, purifying me, working on my character, so I would be a reflection of Jesus to others. So my reactions would not be full of self , but full of how to best minister to those to whom I am responsible. It is hard, as an employee, or a volunteer or sometimes even a spouse, to not have a self focused mentality when the work goes unnoticed, or seems to be impossible to accomplish. Please let me see what You want to do through me.Keep me accountable to You.
Fifth- Gen.39:7-18,- falsely accused. Here is a man trying to honor God, fleeing temptation and accused of the very thing he fled! Have you ever been falsely accused? My first reaction is to prove the accusation is wrong. Joseph couldn't. He had no say as a slave. Another very normal response is wanting to get even, finding a way to prove the accuser is wrong. Usually all that does is backfire. The best way, was what Joseph did, he accepted unjust punishment, and continued to live with godly character and let God work. That is so hard, we want people to see our goodness, our being right, our innocence! It is hard for it to be enough for just God to see it.
Sixth- Gen.39:20- He was thrown in jail. A prisoner- not much different than a slave, but is much harder on the reputation. His reaction? He still honored God and kept his attitude right. God prospered and blessed him in prison. God did not set him free, Joseph was in prison for awhile.Gen.39:23b-" the Lord was with him; and whatever he did, the Lord made to prosper."
Joseph found joy and fulfillment in seeing those over him blessed by his work. He learned the truth of these two quotes from John Bevere, "A servant gives while the slave has been stolen from." " A slave does the minimum requirement, a servant performs to the maximum potential." Joseph was a servant to those who enslaved him and imprisoned him. Am I  a servant to those? Is my attitude one of ministry to those who would misuse me? Are my circumstances yielded to God so fully that He is exalted in how I treat others? How I react to mistreatment?
Seventh- Joseph is forgotten. by those who could help him. This is probably the hardest, being forgotten. Like I  (or you) am invisible. Unimportant. Just another prisoner. Easy to hear the lies of the enemy during this time. Hope had sprouted, but there was nothing beyond the sprout.Discouragement can rule here. Again what was Joseph's reaction? For two years he continued to be faithful in doing right in prison. He maintained godly character.
 Lord, as You were with Joseph, be with me, that my reactions would please and honor You. May I see those over me as loving and just- even when I chafe at restraint. May I recognize that restraint as Your refining in me. May I recognize You as a loving God, one who desires my best, as well as wants to use me for the good of others. May I not fight against Your choice in using me. May I see You in the midst of adversity.

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