Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Night Watch

 Luke 1:8 ~ "And it came to pass in the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields, and keeping watch over their flock by night."
      He loved the night shift; the silence, the feeling of being a protector- even if it was just of sheep. He loved the stillness. Maybe a shepherd felt this way on his way to guard the sheep- to keep watch so very long ago.
Shift workers have a different rhythm to their life. They are  up when others sleep, they sleep when others have been up and working for hours. Their social life is different, they work when others have time to visit. They become invisible, non-entities in a world of business and activity. These shepherds were faithfully working the  night shift. Maybe their ears were attuned to the night sounds, straining for any sound out of the ordinary, listening to the sheep  and to what was beyond the sheep. Maybe their eyes were looking at the shadows beyond the flocks. And maybe they were talking about how  many strangers there were in town, how busy their quiet village had become. They were at work, invisible to most  of  Bethlehem.
    Then their night was interrupted. Lk. 1:9~ "And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terribly afraid."
      This was not expected, this was not something to fight, this was a right reaction to a messenger from God. No question in their minds that this was real and not a dream!
Lk. 1:10-11 ~ "And the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
      These shepherds were reassured, and given the biggest news story ever. The Messiah had come! The Christ was here- born in Bethlehem! A Savior- finally! Maybe they didn't grasp the fullness of what it meant, but they grasped enough! God had come to the invisible, the shift workers, the one who missed out on everything, and told them first!  Why? Maybe because they were up and doing their job, maybe because He was the Shepherd of Israel, maybe because they had learned humility, maybe simply because they were keeping watch; listening and watching, so they saw and heard.
Lk 1:12-14~ " 'And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths, and lying in a manger.' And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.'"
   When the miraculous was over, these men would need to know if this was indeed true; how could they prove it?  So they were given a sign, something concrete to check out, a proof that would be there after the glory of the moment faded.
Lk.1: 15-17 ~"And it came about when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds began saying to one another, 'Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened that the Lord has made known to us.' And they came in haste and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the manger. And when they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child."
      These shepherds understood priorities. Leave the sheep unguarded, something greater than sheep was happening! They acted immediately, this was not a 'sit down and lets think about this time', this was a 'let's check it out  time'! And they did! This was for all the people- they told everyone.
    Lord, in our work, whether the night shift or day, may we watch and listen for You. When you show Yourself to us, may we see You. It probably won't be an angel or a chorus of angels, but it may be a baby, or another person that You use to touch us, to help us to really see You in the midst. And then, when we see You, may we share You with all the people~ so they too would rejoice in the Savior, Christ the Lord.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mary's Surrender

Luke 1:38~ And Mary said, "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord, be it done to me according to Your word." And the angel departed from her.
     I often have wondered, what if Mary really knew what she was getting into when she said these words- would she still have said them? How many of us, when we surrender to the Lord really understand what that means? Yes, Mary had a high honor, but her surrender took great courage. When God asks us to surrender, it also takes courage on our part.
      As the story of Jesus unfolds let us look at what Mary gave up (surrendered).
                        - her reputation
                        - a wedding
                        - her expectations of life as it had always been
                        - a birthing with her female relatives helping
                        - being physically close to relatives
  And as she surrendered all this to God ~ what did He give her?
                       - a husband who not only loved her, but believed her
                       - travel, even to a foreign land
                       - shepherds and angels coming to seek Jesus, just after his birth
                       - gifts from magi
                        - a Savior, not just for her, but for all the world
 She really didn't see any of this at the point of surrender. She was simply, humbly, obedient to the angel of the Lord.  Just as many years later Jesus showed simple, humble obedience to God as he lay down his life for us.
    Father, You have given us so many examples in scripture of obedience and surrender, may this one, from Mary speak to our hearts. Help us, as we struggle with full surrender to You, not always have to know everything coming, not to always have to figure it all out first, but to simply trust You, and in trusting, to simply and humbly obey You, surrendering all of ourselves to You. Give us the courage to do this. Thank You for Your abundant grace and strength to accomplish Your will for us today.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Luke 1:37 ~ "For nothing will be impossible with God."
     An angel was talking to Mary, she had just been told she would have a child, and she wondered how this could be. And the angel gave her this word. I struggle with the impossibles in my life ~ none as great as Mary's. But I think we all look at the impossible and say, "It can't happen." or " How?"  It may not sound like faith, but 'how' is a faith question, the conversation with God is still open. And He has the last word-nothing is impossible.
          As life's struggles overwhelm and we look at the impossible in our own life, the lives of those we love, or those we pray for- God still works the impossible today. He gives strength for each day, He answers prayer, He changes lives, He sets captives free- no matter the addiction or  bondage, He is greater. He is also Jehovah Jireh- our amazing provider. When physical needs look impossible to meet- He is faithful-He is greater than our need.
     Maybe God has given you a word, a promise that He would do something specific for you and it has been years, it hasn't happened yet. Remember His word- and remember it is He who brings His word to pass and nothing is impossible with God. Even when we cannot see it or grasp it, when it is beyond our comprehension, God is still faithful to bring it to pass. In His way, in His time and for His glory.
      As Christmas comes and we sort through all the season means, may God bless us with answers to the impossibles in our life. May we have in each of us a new hope and faith for His work. May we see Him working in a way that makes the impossibles completely possible by God's power. May we expect Him to  be greater than all the impossibles we face.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Joy of Children's Christmas Programs

    I love children's Christmas programs. I love the anticipation, the excitement, the intense pride of each child as they go up to say their piece or play their part, or play an instrument.  There is an expectancy in the air that is rarely felt in adult programs. Inevitably something goes wrong. The sheep crawls off the stage, the donkey grabs the microphone and won't let go, the pianist, who practiced perfectly,  starts with all their fingers just a note off. And then the beauty and glory of a Christmas program happens. It is in the mistakes that we see God's love and grace, the perfect don't need it. I clap louder for those children who stop and start over, or who stumble through their piece. Because  I see Jesus, I see His face loving these children in their honesty, their genuineness. I see more clearly the reason He came. We all, like sheep, have gone astray. We all think we are the only one with something important to say, and we all make mistakes- every day. That is why Jesus came- to save us from our self- something we can never do. When we try to be perfect, we never can, and we fall, then Jesus comes and lovingly picks us up, takes us to Himself and gives us a hug. Just like so many parents do with their children. Through the mistakes  I am reminded more strongly of God's wondrous love for us, His sending His Son to earth to become an offering for my sin, His redemption of me- and all of my mistakes.
I love children's Christmas programs, the children in them and the mistakes that teach me so much more of Jesus.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Ministry of Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

Luke 10:38b-42  " and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. And she had a sister called Mary, who moreover, was listening to the Lord's word, seated at His feet. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him , and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me." But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only a few things are necessary, really only one, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her." "

It is so easy to be busy doing what we think is important. Feeding our families, washing their clothes.  Teaching Sunday school, being about our Father's business. After all we ARE to occupy until He returns... doesn't that mean constantly doing ministry? In our results oriented culture we forget that sometimes just being is all Jesus wants. Just sitting at His feet, soaking up His presence. Why is it so hard?
  I look at that position, it involves humility. We are at His feet, we are invisible to most others, and possibly thought less of by others, but, we are looking up to Jesus, looking into His face. What joy! As I sit at Jesus' feet, I recognize He is Lord. Not just my Lord, but Lord over all, in command of all, even those who may be my enemies. All those other voices calling me to 'get busy and do' become dim as I look at Him. When I am at His feet I see myself in proper perspective to Jesus. I am at His feet to worship and adore Him, to soak in who He is, to just be near Him as much as I can.
    Sitting at His feet involves protection. There will always be those who think I should be doing more, even if it is the voice in my own head that says I am useless at Jesus' feet. But Jesus answers the critics and accusers- it is not my job to answer or defend myself.  To those who want me caught up in ministry or work, Jesus says," You worry about so many things...".  Sitting at the feet of Jesus protects me from worry. I am doing what He wants me to do, so I am free from unnecessary cares. Being at His feet protects me from burn out and complaining. As I sit at His feet He shows me what is most important. Then He enables me to do it and it is easy and fun! And He looks at me and says I have chosen the good part.  I didn't realize it was good, I just thought it was all I could do.
    When I give out of myself what I give is limited and selfish. When I give from having been at the feet of Jesus what I give brings life. Sitting at His feet opens my eyes to trust Him...He could provide the meal, no sweat! It opens my eyes to possibilities I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. Sitting at His feet brings Jesus pleasure, and when He is pleased He overflows me with His joy.
     Even though I come to worship and bless Him, I get more than anything when I sit at His feet. So is it selfish to be in  that spot? Never, it is an acknowledgement of His sovereignty and Lordship. It puts Him where He should be in my life... above all else. It keeps me where I can give out of the overflow. Ministering to Jesus should always be my first priority, even if that is all I do.
     Sitting at  Jesus feet keeps me from distraction. I am more focused on His word and not pulled away by other things. It protects me from bad attitudes and emotional difficulties. When distracted I am easier prey for the lies of the enemy. Some that show up in Martha are: God doesn't care, self-pity, anger, it's not fair, and pride (giving God orders). She felt abandoned by her sister in a time of need, she was serving Jesus and maybe feeling a little self- righteous. According to her, Mary's place was in the kitchen. Martha had wrong expectations, it is easy to become overburdened and burned out with those! Jesus, in His great love for Martha reminds her to look at what matters. The root was her distraction from Him to do for Him. Sitting at His feet returns us to Him.
   Lord, Mary chose the necessary, help me to see what is necessary. I, too, get distracted by so many things... and then I begin to think they are what is important. And my focus shifts, my energy is drained, my time with Jesus interrupted and shortened because I am working so hard on the temporal I forget the eternal. And I get cranky (just like Martha), my focus is self  ~ not Jesus. What Martha was doing for Jesus became more important than Jesus! Sometimes our service, intended to honor Jesus , winds up becoming a production that honors self or our group.  And we find we are distracted and looking for others to praise us for our hard work, because Jesus isn't.  Why? We have missed the sitting at His feet ~ the good part. Lord, help me, help us, as Your children, to choose the good part, as Mary, undistracted, totally focused on You.
     The needs of others never stop. We can always be busy with necessary things. Yet the break that we need is one of sitting at the feet of Jesus. Time with Jesus is a time of refreshing and renewing. He, our Lord and Master has made a feast for us from His Word and He is so gentle as He says, "Come and eat your fill."
    I think of a song from many years ago, "Lord I only want to bless you while I'm sitting at Your feet, Nothing in this world can woo me from this blessed holy seat. All that I can do is thank You, all that I can do is praise, all that I can do is lift my hands and sing Your praise."
  What woos me from that blessed place? from just sitting at His feet?
Lord, keep us looking at Your face, sitting at Your feet, hungry for Your word. Free from distraction, worries and cares, free from wrong expectations and pride. Refresh and renew us with Yourself. Give us a heart of worship and praise flowing from a heart for You. May God bless each of us with a time just to bask in His presence, to sit at His feet.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Psm.106:23 ~Therefore He said that He would destroy them, had not Moses His chosen one stood in the breach before Him, to turn away His wrath from destroying them.
    How could God have a people that were so fickle? Are we any different? Yet, Moses interceded for them. Here is Moses interceding for a people that he has already asked God why are they so hard-hearted  and rebellious. He knows who he is interceding for, what they are like, and he intercedes anyway. What an encouragement to me when I grow weary of interceding , especially when I see no change. Moses kept interceding - for 40 years! And the Israelites never changed. Yet Moses intercession  kept them alive. What an incredible picture of God's mercy.
v.24 ~ Have you ever hated a good gift you have been given? I haven't, I enjoy good gifts. But before the Israelites ever got to the Promised Land, they despised it. That means they hated it, before they ever saw it!
"they did not believe in His word", this sums up their problem very well, no faith- even after mighty miracles.
v.25 ~ But grumbled in their tents; they did not listen to the voice of the Lord.
    Set free from slavery, protected from death and all they could ever do was grumble! Grumbling drowns out God's voice, it makes our own voice (self) sound better, important even. It justifies rebellion or a  hard heart. It deafens our spirit to God. And it was done in the privacy of their own tents. Sometimes, even when we do things in the privacy of our homes, assured that it won't spread or hurt others, we damage the body. My private grumbling, my private disobedience, hurts every one of God's people- not just me. It keeps me from being the blessing to the body that God wants me to be. In my selfishness, I cripple the body, make it less complete, less able to accomplish all God desires of it. The private grumbling of the Israelites affected all of them. Even those who were obedient. This makes me much more aware of the spiritual ripples of my own discontent or dissatisfaction, (my names for grumbling). And much more convicted.
    After years of being in slavery their idea of freedom was to do what they wanted, to indulge the senses, the flesh. Yet God set them free to worship and serve Him. That is why He set us free as well. I do not always know how to worship and serve Him rightly, but if that is my goal He will teach me. If my goal is to do as I please without seeing the freedom for me that He sees, I put myself back into bondage.
    Lord, may my words never be as pleasant to me, to my ears and heart, as Yours are. May I believe Your word and value Your promise. May I always see Your word as true, even when it seems impossible. May You keep my heart, that I would not grumble or complain, even privately. Thank You for Your forgiveness when I grumble and Your mercy as I struggle to be grateful and content.  May I listen, with a heart to obey, to Your voice. Help each one of us to walk in Your freedom.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Psm. 106:19-21 ~ "They made a calf in Horeb, and worshiped a molten image. (20) Thus they exchanged their glory for the image of an ox that eats grass, (21) They forgot God their Savior, who had done great things in Egypt,"
   I was thinking, how could anyone worship something they made? Then I thought of television and computers and how often we are more attuned to them than God. Or even getting together to make something as a group and seeing it turn out really awesome, so you want everyone to see it. It is not hard to move one step further to worship. Worshiping a false god IS exchanging their glory, which is God, for a god, that exchange leads to wickedness. We cannot build our own god and expect it to be any better than our self. Once we build our own god, we are already deceived, so we continue in that deception as we worship something false.
   They forgot God their Savior. They had seen all the plagues in Egypt, they had all observed the Passover, they had all walked through the Red Sea, as if it were dry, and seen their enemies drown. They had all praised God for His deliverance, they had all seen water come out of a rock and food come from heaven, they had seen the wicked swallowed up by the earth and flame consume them. Yet, in a time of testing, they forgot God.
How could that be?
       1. They did not know God ~ only His works
       2. Neither did they fear God
       3. They were easily deceived
These three work together and are still a danger for any of us today. Because they only knew God's works and not Him, they did not understand His nature, His character, His heart for them. So they took Him lightly, accepted his goodness, of course, but not really trusting Him in giving that goodness. They could not believe that if all else failed, God would be true, faithful, for them, so they sought their own answer. This meant they trusted themselves more than God, forgetting that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. In not fearing God they could not understand His greatness, that He made us with an innate desire to honor or reverence Him. So they chose to make something they could understand, deceived into believing that any god would work.
    Lord, protect us from ourselves, our own tendency to want to know everything before we trust You. Our own desire to be in control. Show us Your heart for us, that we would see Your heart that is for us, Your character, which is pure, Your faithfulness to us even when we are faithless to You. Guard us from deception, from deceiving ourselves with what we want to hear, instead of hearing what You desire us to hear. While we greatly appreciate Your works toward us, may that not be our focus, may You be our center and our focus.
How often in a time of testing do I try to figure it all out on my own? Lord work in me, in us, a heart that turns to You, even in a time of testing.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Psm.106:16 ~ They became envious of Moses and Aaron.
         Are we envious of leaders because of their position? Their position with God? Does that envy turn into challenging their place and authority, their leadership,  from God?  This is different than challenging a leader because of bad teaching or immoral or unethical living. This is envying another's place with God, and wanting that place without being right with God, without paying the price of surrender to God. This includes not being thankful for the place God has given me. This envy leads others away from God into judgment. This was a sin God  took very seriously, He dealt with these men openly; in front of the whole congregation. It didn't matter if all of the Israelites followed them, they were still wrong. Do I judge a leader by the number of followers he has, or where God is in his life? (v. 17-18) The earth swallowed them up and fire consumed them. I think if I had seen that I would have understood what sin displeased God!
       It would have been amazing to see. God protecting His people from attacks within, that unrighteousness within the body of Christ does more damage than any attacks from outside.  At the same time, I am incredibly thankful this does not happen today! I am so thankful for God's mercy toward us, He remembers that we are but dust. If He dealt with the body of Christ like this today, would I be swallowed up?  Would I be one of the ones dissatisfied with where He has me? I like to think I would have been a righteous one, but would I have been swayed to believe a majority of leaders more than one who was right? Am I thankful for where God has me right now?
v.18 ~ The fire that came was to purify, just as we go through a fire of testing, purifying is necessary in our hearts. And in the church. It is usually painful, as it was for the whole congregation of Israelites.
 Lord, we need Your cleansing purifying fire for that which is unrighteous and ungodly to be burned up, within us individually and within the body of Christ as a whole, so that what is left is pure and clean, able to be used by You for Your purposes. And with Your cleansing purifying fire, give us again Your mercy, Your grace, that we may be renewed in our relationship with You, not destroyed as these men were. Thank you that You are both righteous and merciful!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tempting God

Psalm 106:14-15 ~ "but craved intensely in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert. 15 So He gave them their request, but sent a wasting disease among them."
    When we are wandering in a wilderness, a place different than what we expected, a place of testing, danger, and growth; it is our sin nature that craves intensely for what we used to have, thinking it is better than what it really was. When we give in to that, and only think how wonderful our bondage was, not seeing our current freedom, we cross a line with God. At that point we test Him, after He has already proven Himself to us. We challenge Him to give us what we want, not content or satisfied with His provision. Not trusting his purpose or training while we are in the wilderness. This stirs up strife and rebellion in us. For me, verse 15 is one of the scariest verses in the Bible. If we push hard enough God will give us what we ask for- even if it kills us. In giving them what they wanted God sent a wasting disease among them, a leanness of soul.
    That leanness of soul, or wasting disease still didn't open their eyes and heart to their need for God. Their focus was on themselves and how they could meet their immediate temporal need. While God will meet these needs for His children; He is most interested in the heart, that there would be a God focus in each one of us, trusting Him to care  for us His way and in His time. In the wilderness, He always waits to see how we will handle something- will we run to Him or will we try to force our own way and desires? It cost the Israelites dearly, and years later King Saul failed this one, it cost him dearly as well. (1 Sam.15) For the rest of his life he had leanness of soul.
   Father protect us from ourselves, our own desires that are more self focused than God focused. Keep us hungry for you, putting a desire in us to wait for You, to desire a fatness of soul more than that which is temporal. Give us a fresh anointing of Your Holy Spirit that we would desire what You desire for us. And while we are walking in the wilderness, may we see Your hand leading and guiding us in the tests so we would be strong. May You be our focus, our center, may we willingly and expectantly wait for You that You would be glorified.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Psalm 106:13~ "They quickly forgot His works; they did not wait for His counsel."
    When I quickly forget God's works it is because I am preoccupied or distracted. The Israelites, who did not have all the distractions of our technology still forgot God's works. I think- oh, if that distraction just wasn't around following God would be easier. God, give me a simpler life, without modern distractions! And it is the simple things in life that distract me, fixing a meal, doing laundry, visiting with others. All these things are necessary, so when does it become a distraction? When I forget what God has done.
     In the midst of my busy life, how do I remember, how do I choose to see, what God has done? I start with thanking Him for life, for the miracle of being able to get up and breathe and move and not have to figure it out first. He keeps me alive! Then the gift of a spiritual life, without Him, I am just a cardboard shell. Then the gift of family and friends, food, shelter. I guess I need to count my blessings, seeing Him as the source of each one. Has God done big works in your life?  A time when you know God intervened for you? The Israelites were to remember their freedom from bondage, the crossing of the Red Sea, the keeping power of God in the wilderness and the victory of the Promised land. These were big things, yet they forgot.
  Lord, may we not forget Your works, the big or the little, what You have mightily done for us, for Your Name.  Bring them to our mind, that we would regularly be reminded of Your works in us, around us and for us. As we remind ourselves may we remind others as well. Guard us against being distracted from You.
   The Israelites also did not wait for His counsel. This ties so closely to forgetting His works! If we do not remember what He has done, how can we be sure His counsel is necessary?  We become self reliant, trusting that our way will work and we can do things our own way. We wind up trusting in our own knowledge and ability more than trusting God to work things out. We no longer wait on God,  we don't review the great and mighty things He has already done, being assured that they will continue. Teach us how to remember Your works so we would trust in You, and Your ways, so we would seek Your counsel. Lord, it is so tempting to trust myself more than You, to try and figure out my own way, especially when I am going through a hard time, to think that I have to come up with an answer. Yet, You just want me to trust You, to remember how mighty You are. If You can care for the Israelites as they go through the wilderness, surely You can take care of me and my needs, be they big or small. Thank you for Your living presence in my life. May each of us trust God more today, and remember His works.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Psalm 106, part 3

Psm. 106:10-12 ~"So He saved them from the hand of the one who hated them, and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. 11 And the waters covered their adversaries; not one of them was left. 12 Then they believed His words; they sang His praise."
    The Israelites believed God's words only after they saw His absolute victory over their enemies. Today my enemies are different, but do I still doubt God until I see absolute victory?  My enemies are the world, the flesh and the devil; but often they show themselves as greed, or selfishness, fear, anger,or lack of compassion, gossip, financial challenges, unforgiveness. I could go on, but you get the idea. How, in the church today, is God's power shown over these enemies? What does His victory look like? Do we even see it? How do we share it so the body sees his victory? His power? So others are able to praise God with us when we have victory?  Even more, how do I share Christ's victory in my life so that others believe God, His words, and sing His praise? So the victory of one gives hope to others who struggle?
   Redeem us, Lord, from the hand of our enemy, the enemy of the world, the flesh and the devil, even when we don't deserve it. Lord, may we know You, and act as if we do, rightly representing You to others. Deliver us from that which keeps us from being an effective representative. Give us eyes to see Your victory, show us how to share that with others, to give hope to the struggling. Give us faith, that we would not doubt You. Show us how to live and walk so others see You, and the hope and victory that You alone give.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Psalm 106; part 2

  Psalm 106:6- "We have sinned like our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have behaved wickedly." Verses 6-46 are a confession of sin and a declaration of God's mercy. I love the 'we' in v.6. An intercessor so identifies with the sin of those being prayed for that they take that sin as their own to God. It is also a recognition that none of us are righteous; we have all sinned; it is our nature, as all who have gone before us. No matter how much right we do, we still blow it.Then this intercessor lists the sins of Israel; not content to just have a generic identification of sin, he identifies with each one. As Christ is our intercessor, this identification with sin had to happen so there could be repentance. Then, this intercessor repented- for the whole, he did not wait for the people to repent, he did it for them! So the whole country could see God's mercy. Not a finger pointer- but a fellowman in need of God's mercy.
v.7~ "Our fathers in Egypt did not understand Thy wonders; they did not remember Thine abundant kindnesses, but they rebelled by the seas, at the Red Sea."
     When we do not understand God's wonders or remember His abundant kindnesses we will rebel. Just as Israel did. One must understand God's wonders and see them to have a living relationship with Jesus. Rebellion is a part of our fallen nature; but also comes from not understanding God's wonders and not consciously remembering the good He has done for us. What inspires awe in us? Have we become so accustomed to explaining everything that we no longer stand in wonder over anything? Do we look back at God's wonders in our own lives? His unique working on our behalf, just because of his incredible love and mercy for us. When we are going through a trying time do we thank Him, remembering his goodness to us, or do we moan about having to go through it?  We all think the trial we are going through is the hardest, or most difficult, but the Israelites thought that as well. And we can see the great deliverance God was working on their behalf!
  Which brings us to v. 8, "Nevertheless He saved them for the sake of His name, that He might make His power known." What a God! He has ungrateful, complaining people, sinning against Him, rebelling, refusing to acknowledge his past wonders and He saves them. What mercy! We are no different. In the midst of our rebellion God saves and shows His power, not just to His people or for His people, but so their enemies would see as well. He saves us for the sake of His name and to show His power!
   Thank You that this was fully accomplished the day Jesus died on the cross;  He saved us; a rebellious people, for His Name's sake. He made known His power, through the resurrection, to give us new hearts and new lives, to make us His.
    Lord, give us intercessor hearts, identifying with the sin of those we pray for, or even the sin of our nation, that we would look at others with Your mercy. May we see Your mighty hand of deliverance in our dark times or trials. When we forget Your goodness, bring to our remembrance the good You have done for us. Give us thankful hearts in the midst of our hard times. Remind us that this trying time is not just for us, but for others (our enemies?) to see Your mighty power. Thank You for Your incredible mercy, that saves us in the midst of our rebellion. May Your Name and power be known in and through Your people today.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Psalm 106 part 1; an intercessor's psalm

    A Psalm of an intercessor, so full of  Israel's wrongdoing, but also showing God's incredible lovingkindness and mercy. This psalm starts with praise to God and an acknowledgment that there aren't enough words to adequately praise Him. That is so very true! Once started there is no end to God's praise. And if I pay attention, I see His works all day long and can praise Him all day for His goodness. But I get caught up in the day's activities, in my life, and I miss seeing His hand, or His handiwork and I miss praising Him. My attitude changes from one of thanksgiving and privilege to one of  dullness and duty.
So with this psalmist, may I sing Your praise today Lord, open my eyes that I may see Your handiwork, and have a heart of thanksgiving.
  Psm. 106:4-5 ~ "Remember me, O Lord, in Thy favor toward Thy people; visit me with Thy salvation,  (5) that I may see the prosperity of Thy chosen ones, that I may rejoice in the gladness of Thy nation, that I may glory with Thine inheritance."
   A cry to the Lord, not just for favor but also to see God's hand move in the nation so the psalmist could glory in God's inheritance. My heart cry is not always that big. I want God to move in my nation, and I want to see that move, but to be honest, I am usually more wrapped up in my life than in interceding for the nation. I pick small prayers. Is it because I lack the faith for the big? Because I am unsure if God can really do it? Or is it  because I don't want to invest myself, my time, pain in my heart, for a nation? I don't want to pay the price to intercede for this nation. This convicts me. Am I praying the prayers God has asked me to pray?
   But I, with the psalmist, want God's favor shown in His people, that it would be seen, and I would have eyes to see it; so there would be rejoicing among God's people, the body of Christ, and we, as the body may glory with God's inheritance. And I pray for that diligently. So is the focus of intercession a matter of calling?  I do not struggle praying for people, sometimes I may resist dying to self to pray, but that is different. Maybe it is a matter of growth, and I am not yet able to battle the principalities and powers of the nation.
   Lord, may Your people have prosperity of soul, solid knowledge of You, a firm walk with You daily, a desire to grow in You by the power of Your Holy Spirit and may we see Your hand move, in the lives of our people and in this nation. Grow us, me especially, to pray the big prayers. May we be obedient to pray the prayers You give us to pray, may You work through each of us for Your glory.

Friday, July 29, 2011


    Matthew 15:18 ~ But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man.
    What happens when a home gets a hidden water leak? A lot of damage can be done before the leak is found and fixed. The first clue it is there is the house might smell funny, maybe a little moldy. Does my life or heart smell moldy or a little 'off' to others? to God? to me? Are my words hurtful or edifying?
     The wall or floor may have more give. Am I giving in or yielding to pressure from sin? or from the world? or the flesh? Am I staying firm when sin in any form pushes against me? Or is there a softness? Am I finding it harder to guard my tongue?
     Stains will show up on the wall or floor or ceiling where the leak is. What am I stained with? The blood of Jesus or my own sin; disobedience to God? Have I said things I wish hadn't come out of my mouth? Have I caused another pain by thoughtless speech?
    Usually to fix a leak some of the structure must be torn apart and sometimes it takes some tearing, (looking and searching) to find exactly where the leak is. There may be a period of what appears to be chaos and disuse, but repair is happening.  Without this time of repair and apparent chaos and no water, the wall or floor would rot, eventually becoming so bad that area of the house would collapse. Rottenness spreads. It would not be safe for anyone to walk on the floor. If it were a ceiling it could drop down on anyone or anything under it. The home would be unsafe; rotten.
    When there is a leak, a stain of sin, in my life, I struggle to let Jesus tear something apart to fix it. I want Him to fix it without the tearing apart. But the pulling up and tearing apart shows me why the leak started as well as how much damage sin does to myself and that it affects others. Jesus wants freedom for each of us and to have that we must give Him the freedom to work in us. To cleanse us of  all the sin leaks we have, to clear out all the rotten wood in the walls, that we would be cleansed of all unrighteousness and be made new. So we would not harm others and  would be the finished, usuable building He desires each of us to be.
     So Lord, when we see only chaos and disuse in our life, show us Your hand, that we would have Your assurance that it is indeed You working in us for Your glory and pleasure. With that, may we surrender to Your hand, allowing You to work freely with Your cleansing power as you rebuild what has been damaged.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Need for One Another

     This last week my husband and I went camping. We spent one morning walking along a mountain stream, the sun was shining and we were just enjoying looking at the beauty  of  the place and wildlife. Suddenly my husband called to me to stop. I stopped, wondering what he saw that  I could not, straining my eyes to see something close by. He asked me if I felt something on my leg, I said I did. Was a snake right at my foot?  I looked down. I was totally entangled in fishing line. Not just a little- a lot. I had not felt it, it had not hindered my walking- yet. But my husband walking behind me had seen light reflecting in a line and moving behind me. He knew that was not normal. When he asked if I had felt something, he had simply tugged on the line. I did manage to untangle myself, but if I had needed to have it cut free, my husband had a knife handy.
    What if I had been walking alone, or had not listened to the stop from my husband? The fishing line would have done a great job of tripping me. In our spiritual lives we also get entangled with invisible lines; something others can see and we cannot. Without their help we trip, fall down, and have a mess to deal with. We are in the body of Christ so we can help one another; that includes alerting one another to danger, or maybe just to an entanglement. It takes humility to recognize the need for help, and it is indeed humbling to see ones self entangled and not be aware!
     What if I had not trusted my husband when he told me to stop? Thinking, I know better, I don't need to stop for anything! I would have eventually been forced to stop, doubly humbled because I didn't listen.
    His tugging on the line is not what had entangled me, it just showed both of us I was entangled. How often do we get upset with the one who shows us our entanglements instead of being thankful and doing what is necessary to be freed from them?
   It was a beautiful sunny day, nothing to worry about, things were going great. In our walk with Jesus, even when things are going great it is possible to just be walking along and get tangled up in the distractions of the world, or the desires of the flesh. Nothing bad or evil in themselves, just enough to keep us from running if the need were to arise.
    Lord, we need those in our lives that give us cautions, corrections and help us when we are entangled to get un-entangled, yet so often we push them away, we keep our distance, not wanting to admit our need for help. Especially from others. You have given us Your body Lord, so we could work together for each other's good. Help us to receive from our brothers and sisters the help we need. As we are also called to give loving thoughtful correction and caution, may we do it with Your Spirit of humility, love and grace. May we be truly thankful for one another.
Psm. 141:5a ~ Let the righteous smite me in kindness and reprove me; it is oil upon the head; do not let my head refuse it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Faith of Jacob

  Gen. 46:1-4~ So Israel set out with all that he had, and came to Beer-sheba, and offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. 2 And God spoke to Israel in visions of the night and said, "Jacob, Jacob." And he said, "Here I am." 3 And He said, "I am God, the God of your father; do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you a great nation there. 4 I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also surely bring you up again; and Joseph will close your eyes."
     Here is Jacob headed to Egypt; after 22 years of grief, he has decided to be alive, to live again, in Gen. 45:27 it says his spirit revived. And on the way to Egypt he stops in Beer-sheba and offers sacrifices to God. It seems his grief for Joseph had clouded his view of God and interrupted his fellowship with God.  What is it in your life that has interrupted fellowship with God? Distorted or clouded your view of God? Death of a loved one, as with Jacob, could do it. But so can death of a dream or marriage. Deception by those you have loved or trusted. Disillusionment with the body of Christ?  Especially for children who have grown up in christian homes that are ravaged by divorce- don't let the havoc that has come into your family claim you. Let nothing take away the fellowship you have with God! Keep a clear view of who God is- the lover of your soul, the Redeemer, faithful and true.
     Jacob may have wondered when he would return to his land. Whatever the reason for stopping here to make a sacrifice, after the sacrifice was made God spoke with him, gave him direction, a promise for the future, assurance of His presence, assurance of return, and assurance that he would see Joseph.  These promises only came after Jacob started on his way and after he offered sacrifices.
    Often, we want all the promises and assurances from God before we ever go, before we begin, but that does not take faith. God speaks after we begin, after we sacrifice.
    Jacob also help nothing back, he set out with all that he had. This direction was wholehearted, there was no plan B, or fall back, if this did not turn out as expected. Again, full commitment to the direction God had given. We, as human beings, cannot take care of all the contingencies that may come up, we can only move forward as best as we can see and trust that God is with us, leading and guiding each step of the way.
  Lord, as we step out from the place of unbelief into belief, may we go wholeheartedly, holding nothing back, unconcerned about a Plan B, knowing that You have a perfect plan, even if it leads away from what we may see as security and hope. As You ask us, along the way, to sacrifice, our dreams, hopes, and yes, our self, may we see the incredible peace that comes from You, the assurance that You are leading and guiding us each step of the way, and may any fears we have be removed.
  If you have been in  a foggy world of despair or doubting God's goodness, as Jacob was,  may you see God's presence, His faithfulness, His leading and guiding, and may you no longer fear to be wholehearted in following Him, or in sacrificing self. May you once again find sweet fellowship with Him.And may God give you the assurance that is so needed in your life this day.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Test of Sudden Success

Gen 41:14~ "The Pharaoh sent and called for Joseph, and they hurriedly brought him out of the dungeon,...and he came to Pharaoh."  In less than a day Joseph went from prisoner to second to Pharaoh. Few of us are tested with sudden success- most of us are tested the opposite way- from much to nothing, or at least lots less! Joseph handled this exceptionally well, so there is much to learn.
   He remained humble, he spoke and responded with humility to Pharaoh. When Pharaoh asked Joseph to interpret the dreams, he said "I hear you are a man who can interpret a dream when you hear it." What a set up for pride! Yet Joseph did not get cocky or try to prove he was above others. He responded with humility and giving God credit."It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer."
    How easy it is to think that there is something in us that brings sudden success, and forget that it is God who works all things together. Joseph also didn't play the victim here, with a "Finally someone remembered me! Pharaoh, hear my case then I will interpret the dreams for you."  He remained a humble servant.
   As Joseph gave credit to God for the dreams, he honored Pharaoh as receiver of the dreams. Not once did he take honor for  the dreams, or the interpretation of them. The honor went to those to whom it was due.
   Joseph did not mince words with Pharaoh, he gave an honest interpretation. Joseph did not soften God's message. He made it clear that this famine would be severe.
   Then Joseph went beyond the interpretation. He could have stopped, the interpretation was done, but he kept talking.  He presented a plan to Pharaoh for the protection of Egypt during the famine. And Pharaoh decided God's Spirit was in Joseph so he was appointed 2nd to Pharaoh in all the land.
Fine clothes, jewelry, power, praise of people. All the trappings of success.  And Joseph still saw himself as God's servant. The lessons he had learned as a slave, and in prison had stuck. Who Joseph was had not changed, just who he reported to.
    This freedom from prison did not give Joseph freedom to go home, to see his family. He was free to serve Pharaoh. Joseph's expectation of what he might do in freedom may have been different than reality. Often, when we look for success the reality is different than our thought or dreams of what it might look like. For Joseph, his responsibility rose significantly, but he remained a servant in a foreign land and God made him fruitful. "...'For, he (Joseph) said, 'God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction'." Gen.41:52
    He understood even his freedom or success was about doing God's bidding, it wasn't about him. And God was able to use him to save his whole family.
    Lord, so often we think if You haven't answered a prayer they way we expect, You haven't answered completely, so we miss Your blessing of fruitfulness. Your answer that would lead us differently than we had hoped, yet more fully. Father, when You bless us with sudden success, please keep us humble, honest, and honoring of others. Remind us, that it is still You we serve, and honoring You is most important. Give us eyes to see ourselves as useless without You, and as Your servant. Help us realize that Your plan God, is so much bigger than just us.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Living Out Forgiveness

    Have you ever been so hurt, so wounded, that the very thought of forgiving brought such anger you wondered where it came from? There are so many who say,"You don't know my pain." or "This hurt is so deep, I can't ever forgive." Yet forgiveness is commanded. We do not often see others forgive those who have hurt them, it is not modeled for us to copy. How do we learn to forgive? Often, we cannot forgive, and that is a good place to start- confession of our own inability to forgive. Then asking God to give us the ability to forgive. And then, finding a practical picture of forgiveness we can walk. This is found in Gen.45:4-14. Joseph had just revealed himself to his brothers, and they were dismayed.They were not asking for reconciliation. Not a joyous family reunion. How did Joseph respond?
    In v.4 Joseph says, "Please come closer to me." Joseph closes the gap, both physically and emotionally. No past grudge is shown. No thought of  'they hurt me, so they should repent first.' or even expecting them to make the first move. Joseph initiates reconciliation. The one hurt- not the ones who inflicted the hurt.
    Verse 5 " not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life."  Joseph encouraged his brothers to forget about the past, not by sweeping it under the rug as if it had never happened; but by seeing it through God's eyes. God had a plan for this, Joseph saw his life,years of slavery and separation from family as part of God's wonderful plan. He urged his brothers to see it that way as well.  In having this attitude, Joseph was not holding his brothers guilty. He did not hang onto a desire to see them pay for what pain they had caused. He gave up his right to treat them as he had been treated. All he wanted was the joy of reconciliation. When others hurt us- do we release them of  the burden of responsibility? Joseph repeated this 3 times in v.5,7,& 8, assuring them that this was God's plan all along. Absolving them of guilt, making sure they heard God's involvement in it all.
    Then in v.9 &10 Joseph welcomes them.'Come down to me, and do not delay'. Come, live here, all of you!
 I will give you the best of the land, you shall live near me. What a welcome! A picture of complete forgiveness. And Joseph doesn't stop there. In v.11 he says "There I will also provide for you,".
    Joseph was looking out for the welfare of those who had given him the most pain. He was ministering to them and seeing ahead to their future needs. True forgiveness looks out for the welfare of those who have hurt us, ministering to needs they may not even know they have. Meeting practical needs in their lives as well.
   What a beautiful picture of how God wants us to walk in reconciliation- reaching out beyond the 'I forgive you' that we learn when we are young to the "I welcome you and I will take care of you". A foreshadowing of the work Jesus has done- yes He has forgiven us, at great cost, but He also welcomes us to Himself and takes care of us.
 O Lord, today may I walk in that forgiveness, receiving from you and giving to others that which is beyond my own ability and comes fully from You, ministering to the hearts of others.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

God's Incredible Wondrous Love

 Do you know how much God loves you? Do you understand His father's heart- for you?
He is always with us-Matt.28:20, and Heb.13:5. He calls us His friends, as we obey Him-Jn.15:14.
But often, in the midst of a really hard time, we think He doesn't love us. That He just doesn't care.
Look at His love:
              - He loved Jacob enough to give him Joseph- and take him away 17 years later so all the family would be saved.
             - He loved Joseph enough to train him as a servant, so he would learn wisdom and humility in serving so a nation would be saved.
             - He loved Esther enough to allow her to be chosen by a wicked king as his wife, so her people  would be saved.
             - He loved the 3 Hebrew young men enough to let them be thrown into a fiery furnace... and bring  them out again. And their clothes weren't even singed! So His Name would be exalted!
           - He loved us enough to send Jesus, His own Son, to be rejected and beaten and killed by men, so that these men and all mankind could be saved, delivered from their/our own hidden evil and made new.
           - He loved Saul enough to blind him for 3 days so he would understand who Jesus was/is.
   Whatever you are going through right now- confusion, illness, family relationship difficulties, impossible situations, deep grief,  financial tsunami, know God loves you.
    He loves you enough to see you through it.
    He loves you enough to strengthen you in and through it.
    He loves you enough to use you in it.
    He loves you enough to use it to prepare you to be used by Him for a greater purpose.
  We may never understand why we must go through certain circumstances or trials. But we can always know God loves us and is with us. And when the weakness of our very frame causes us to doubt and falter- may we know God is still holding us and loving us.
May you be strengthened by His love, in His love and with His love.

"For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you. And my covenant of peace will not be shaken," says the Lord who has compassion on you." Is.54:10

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Gen. 40:23 ~ "Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him."
   For two full years Joseph was forgotten, left in prison. I wonder, Lord, did he feel forgotten by You? I assume he continued to be faithful in his work in prison- but did he wonder if there was a purpose to what he did? Did his dreams mock him? How intensely did he have to deal with the attacks from satan, or any enemy?  Two full years.
     Undocumented in this passage of Scripture is forgiveness. Joseph had to have forgiven, and walked in that forgiveness to the cupbearer. If he had not it would have come out in his words and actions somehow. What is our attitude towards those who have forgotten us? Do we become bitter or angry? Do we deem them untrustworthy? Do we still walk in integrity in our dealings with them? It seemed as if Joseph had no ill feelings toward this cupbearer, even when forgotten. He was not bound by another's failings. Do I forgive those who I feel have forgotten me? Not just with words, but in my heart?
    How do I respond when I feel I have been forgotten? Am I in grief or despair? Do I stop having a spirit of praise? Do I become vengeful? Am I full of self-pity? Or do I trust that He is still God and is working His purpose out. It is hard when we feel abandoned by others- or even God, to still trust and believe God is working. It is hard, but not impossible. For, in truth, God has not abandoned us, He is still working to accomplish His purpose, His way and in His time. Even when I see or hear nothing
    How often do we forget others? Because of our own busy ness? Out of fear? Or pride? Is there someone in my life, or yours, right now that God is prompting us to remember? Someone we have forgotten? Someone who would benefit from a good word? Do we say we will pray for someone and forget? How easy it is to think it doesn't really matter.
      We have all been the one who forgets as well as the one forgotten. Neither is easy.  No matter which I am Lord, may I allow you to rule my reactions. May there be no room for self; that I would not be so self focused I would forget others. May I see God's hand and purpose in the times I have been forgotten more than my own feelings, trusting Him as Joseph did.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Speaking the Truth in Love

Gen. 40:8~ "Then they said to him, "We have had a dream and there is no one to interpret it."  Then Joseph said to them, "Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell it to me, please." "
  Here the baker and cupbearer are in prison and each had a dream that needed interpretation, but how could that happen in prison? There was no one to interpret. Joseph knew God well enough to have confidence that He would give Joseph the interpretation. Such rest and trust! All we need belongs to God- we just have to ask Him for it! May I, may we all, know You this well.
    As Joseph interpreted these dreams he started with the cupbearer's, a favorable interpretation from God, the cupbearer would be restored to service for the king in just 3 days. It is a joy to let others know when results will be good , it is not always as easy to let others know when the results will be negative. The baker was just waiting to see what would be the outcome of the cupbearer's dream, he wanted to know there would be a favorable interpretation. So often, I want a favorable answer, one that will show me that my circumstance has a positive outcome, just like this baker, I hang back, waiting to see if that is possible. But when Joseph gave the interpretation it was not positive. Yet, Joseph did not shrink back in giving it, he was truthful even when the message he had to give showed the baker's death. In honoring God as giver of interpretations, Joseph must give the hard as well as the good. Joseph showed integrity and truthfulness even when others did not show those qualities to him. He responded to each of these men with respect; even when one would die and could not help him. Can God trust me with the hard things, or do I shrink back?  Do I treat others with the respect they need as human beings, or do I see them as objects, to use for obtaining what I want? And if I see men as objects, how do I see God? As one I serve, or as one who serves me?
    Lord, work in me this godly quality of trusting You for what is needed right at the moment, even when it is to fill a need for another. May I treat everyone with the respect they deserve as a human being.  Work such a sensitivity to You in me that I would speak Your word when needed and not shrink back when it is hard or unpleasant. May I also honor You with my speech.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Daily Grind

Gen.40:1-4 ~ "Then it came about after these things" (in Gen.39)"the cupbearer and the baker for the king of Egypt offended their lord, the king of Egypt. 2 And Pharaoh was furious with his two officials, the chief cupbearer and the chief baker. 3 So he put them in confinement in the house of the captain of the bodyguard, in the jail, the same place where Joseph was imprisoned. 4 And the captain of the bodyguard put Joseph in charge of them, and he took care of them; and they were in confinement for some time."
    It amazes me how God orchestrates things! Joseph is in prison, far removed from his family and dreams, doing what God would have him to do in prison to glorify God. And God has Pharaoh send two of his servants to prison- to the very place Joseph was! And because of the way Joseph lived in prison, his attitude, his service, these two servants were put under Joseph's care. Had Joseph not lived for God's glory, even in prison, this opportunity would not have come his way.
     Sometimes we forget how much our simple everyday living affects us, and others as well. So often, we do not see the small every day things as important and often it is just in doing those things to God's glory that brings us to the next step. What is it that is hard for you to do for the glory of God? Or that you forget to do for His glory? God has challenged me so much in my home. Are my dishes being done for God's glory? Is  my attitude to do them to please Him? If I go through my housework or home making I will find myself challenged to yield an area or task so that I do it for God's glory. Often it is one I struggle with doing the most, the hardest for me. And as I begin to do it with a right attitude, doing it for God's glory, it becomes sacred, a privilege, an honor. It is no longer a struggle. Is there an area that God is speaking to you about, in work, in your vehicle, at home, that needs to be done for His glory?
  Having these prisoners was not a huge change for Joseph, he was still doing his job, for God, with the strength God provided. But it would be how he would eventually be out of prison, and have the dreams God had given him fulfilled. God uses the small stuff in our daily life to accomplish the great.
O Lord, may we do all, especially the small things, the daily things, for Your glory. May we not underestimate how important the small things are.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Joseph's Hard Times

    Joseph went through 7 hard times recorded in Genesis chapters 37, 39 and 40.
First-Gen.37:5-11- the hard time of God given impossible dreams. When God gives dreams, they are ridiculed, often by the very ones you expect to give support. It is a time of testing- will the one the dream has been given to still believe? Joseph's response or reaction was one of faithfulness and obedience. He still honored God and had another dream!
Second- Gen.37:4,5,11,18-  The hard time of hatred from family, his brothers; being misunderstood for who he was, not for what he did. His reaction in v.17 showed he still honored his father in service for him and to his brothers. He did not let their hatred affect his response.
Third-  Gen. 37:23,28- Betrayal.  Joseph did not fight back, apparently not even verbally, no guilt trip for these brothers from him! Did he believe they would really kill him? Did he so trust in God that he was assured that God would keep him no matter what? O Lord, That I would have that assurance! That peace, that You are in control, even when things look horrible.
Fourth- Gen.37:36, 39:2-5,- Slavery. What were his thoughts as he was being led away from his family? Sold by his brothers? For the first time Joseph was really alone- no family, no friends, no one who loved him. His response seems to be one of acceptance, making the best of a rotten deal. Serving those he is with and helping others in the same situation. Not giving bitterness, self pity or resentment the time of day. Guarding his attitudes by being yielded to God. How do I know he is yielded? Because once he is sold to Potiphar, Joseph's character is observed. This character can only happen in one who has been yielded to God in the hard times. Joseph remained accountable to his master and to God.So Joseph is then BLESSED as a slave. Not delivered from being a slave, but blessed in it.
Lord, when I am treated as a slave, and as no more, let me see You, Your hand, refining me, purifying me, working on my character, so I would be a reflection of Jesus to others. So my reactions would not be full of self , but full of how to best minister to those to whom I am responsible. It is hard, as an employee, or a volunteer or sometimes even a spouse, to not have a self focused mentality when the work goes unnoticed, or seems to be impossible to accomplish. Please let me see what You want to do through me.Keep me accountable to You.
Fifth- Gen.39:7-18,- falsely accused. Here is a man trying to honor God, fleeing temptation and accused of the very thing he fled! Have you ever been falsely accused? My first reaction is to prove the accusation is wrong. Joseph couldn't. He had no say as a slave. Another very normal response is wanting to get even, finding a way to prove the accuser is wrong. Usually all that does is backfire. The best way, was what Joseph did, he accepted unjust punishment, and continued to live with godly character and let God work. That is so hard, we want people to see our goodness, our being right, our innocence! It is hard for it to be enough for just God to see it.
Sixth- Gen.39:20- He was thrown in jail. A prisoner- not much different than a slave, but is much harder on the reputation. His reaction? He still honored God and kept his attitude right. God prospered and blessed him in prison. God did not set him free, Joseph was in prison for awhile.Gen.39:23b-" the Lord was with him; and whatever he did, the Lord made to prosper."
Joseph found joy and fulfillment in seeing those over him blessed by his work. He learned the truth of these two quotes from John Bevere, "A servant gives while the slave has been stolen from." " A slave does the minimum requirement, a servant performs to the maximum potential." Joseph was a servant to those who enslaved him and imprisoned him. Am I  a servant to those? Is my attitude one of ministry to those who would misuse me? Are my circumstances yielded to God so fully that He is exalted in how I treat others? How I react to mistreatment?
Seventh- Joseph is forgotten. by those who could help him. This is probably the hardest, being forgotten. Like I  (or you) am invisible. Unimportant. Just another prisoner. Easy to hear the lies of the enemy during this time. Hope had sprouted, but there was nothing beyond the sprout.Discouragement can rule here. Again what was Joseph's reaction? For two years he continued to be faithful in doing right in prison. He maintained godly character.
 Lord, as You were with Joseph, be with me, that my reactions would please and honor You. May I see those over me as loving and just- even when I chafe at restraint. May I recognize that restraint as Your refining in me. May I recognize You as a loving God, one who desires my best, as well as wants to use me for the good of others. May I not fight against Your choice in using me. May I see You in the midst of adversity.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


    I have been pondering, why did God include Tamar in the lineage of Jesus? I see how it shows redemption of our own sin nature. But Judah called her "more righteous than I". Sometimes others see our sin clearly, or we see others sin clearly,  when God sees what is righteous. We are a mix of glaring faults and God's forgiveness and mercy. Tamar is as well. She had married two men who had been disobedient to God and died in that disobedience.Maybe she had learned from that. Gen,38:11-14- Tamar is living as a betrothed woman in her parent's house. She was faithful and patient. She could not break this without there being a settlement between her father and Judah. What was her social life like? A widow, yet engaged. How many men did she say no to? What did she say no to so she could keep her word? And if Judah did not keep his, what was left for her?
She noticed that Judah did not keep his word. What was to happen to her? 
     In Tamar, I see someone trying to live by faith, but becoming desperate when the expected  answer does not come. I also see someone who God sees as righteous while I scratch my head and wonder. So Lord, give me eyes to see as You do, to see the heart of faith, no matter how tiny it may be. To see the righteous actions from one I may not normally give a second glance to. Even when it is myself I need to see through Your eyes. Give me a heart to receive this person as You would. Lord, not push them away. or judge them harshly. And when I feel deeply wounded and sinned against, as Judah did, may I see my own sin in the situation, so I may se the other as more righteous.
 Thank you God for Your abundant mercy and grace freely given through Jesus Christ.
"A bruised reed He will not break, and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish;" Is.42:3a

Monday, May 23, 2011


   When I read Genesis 38, the story of Tamar I am repulsed by its sinfulness, yet in the midst of that sinfulness, God is working out His  own plan of redemption. A quick overview of the chapter. It was the custom when a man died and left a widow childless she was to marry the closest male relative to have a son. But the sons of Judah were evil and disobedient and died before they got Tamar pregnant. Yet, Judah promised his youngest son to her, even thought it meant she must wait until he was and adult. But Judah was afraid to keep his promise, what if his only son died as well? He deceived Tamar, and when she found out - she deceived him!  She disguised herself and seduced Judah so she would be able to abide by the custom and have a child. Judah heard she was pregnant and was ready to judge her harshly for her immorality. She proved that he was the father. And these two boys (she had twins) are mentioned as sons of Judah in Matt.1:3. This ignoble beginning and mess of a relationship is in the lineage of the Lion of Judah!
    Our past does not matter; our obedience to God, and being willing to be used of or by Him does. What is in your past that you wish wasn't there? If you could change it, what would you change? Deception you wish you hadn't been involved in? Improper sexual behavior? Lies you wish you had never spoken? Promises you refused to keep for selfish reasons?
    God doesn't throw us away or cast us out ~ He only desires that we be wholly His. That our lives would be changed, totally new, by His power.  Sometimes God redeems our mistakes so mightily, that it is those very mistakes He uses! A reminder that when we are weak, He is strong. Of how wonderfully powerful His redemption is.  May you see that power working in your life and God's redemption of you as well as your circumstances, mistakes and sin.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Jacob's Grief

Gen.37:33-35~ "Then he {Jacob} examined it and said, "It is my son's tunic. A wild beast has devoured him; Joseph has surely been torn to pieces!"  34 So Jacob tore his clothes, and put sackcloth on his loins, and mourned for his son many days.  35 Then all his sons and all his daughters arose to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. And he said, "Surely I will go down to Sheol in mourning for my son." So his father wept for him."
    When people grieve it is raw, this describes well how they feel. Jacob had:
       - recognition of death, but no body to bury,  no way to finalize this with a good bye
       - tore his clothes
       - put on sackcloth, both are outward signs of grief or mourning. Deep grief is not private, it spills out
       - mourned many days, grief is not over with quickly or easily, it takes time
       - everyone tried to comfort him, they may have even tried to get his mind on something else
       - but he refused, often there is no comfort in our grief, no matter how hard others try to give some
       - I will mourn him until I die. That is the case when people lose one they love deeply, the grief is always there; not always as intense, but always with us. We will always miss the one who has died before us; but most especially when we expected them to live beyond us.
       - "his father wept for him", crying when we grieve or mourn is allowed, even necessary.
 There are no words for this grief, it is only expressed in sorrow and weeping.
May God minister to each of you who may be grieving, or a support for someone who is. May His gentle touch be with you today and may you feel His love and care for you in the midst of your incredible pain. May the rest of us be more sensitive in how to respond as hurting people walk through our lives.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Pit

Gen.37:23-24~ "So it came about, when Joseph reached his brothers, that they stripped Joseph of his varicolored tunic that was on him; (24) and they took him and they threw him into the pit. Now the pit was empty, without any water in it."  This passage doesn't show a struggle, Joseph putting up a fight and protesting for his rights. It doesn't show Joseph pleading with his brothers or crying out. It doesn't show him yelling, " Just you wait, I'll get you."  Joseph had been on a mission from his father, he was doing what he was told to do and wound up  in a pit. Without his robe, an outward reminder of his father's love for him. He was attacked for who he was, a beloved son, not for what he did. And it looks like he did not retaliate in anyway, even when it was happening! Joseph was going through some hard times, and all he was doing was being obedient. This reminds me of Jesus, through the passion and on the cross. Joseph was betrayed by his own brothers!  Sometimes Lord, my pit looks so dark and deep and lifeless I wonder if I am stuck forever. But You are in that pit with me! Thank you Jesus! And, as you got Joseph out- you get me out as well.
   vv, 25-28 ~ As the brothers sat down to eat, it happened that a caravan was passing by. I love this. Nothing just happens when God is in our lives.He orders our steps, even when it may seem like our darkest hour. Joseph was not killed, but sold into slavery. Was he thankful, confused? His reaction is not mentioned. When I look at his whole life, he always had a servant's heart, I would expect even now, he was serving.
    Lord, You did not deliver Joseph from his adversity; but blessed him in the midst of it. If it were me, I am not sure I would call slavery a blessing, but God did.
   Lord, when I go through adversity, may my eyes be on Jesus. May I be so yielded to Him that He would be glorified in the midst of the hard things; when I am falsely accused, when others see me as a slave- their slave!- when I am rejected by family, or unable to say goodby to those I love. May I see that circumstances don't have to limit me, for it is You that causes me to prosper. As you caused Joseph to prosper. remind me God, that as I do what You tell me to do, You bring the reward, in Your way and time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Gen. 37:2-4~ "These are the records of the generations of Jacob.
                           Joseph, when seventeen years of age, was pasturing the flock with his brothers while he was still a youth, along with the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives. And Joseph brought back a bad report about them to his father. 3 Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his sons, because he was the son of his old age; and he made him a varicolored tunic. 4 And his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers; and so they hated him and could not speak to him on friendly terms."
     Joseph had done nothing to receive this treatment by his brothers- except be loved by his father. This was not Joseph's fault. When  I do things for others and they backfire, or are misunderstood, what is my reaction?
  The mark or test of a follower of Jesus is not how one acts, but how one reacts to a challenge. Joseph remained honest, yet he felt their hatred. When I am hated do I respond with kindness and thoughtfulness to those who hate me? Do I look at how God views them, or am I too busy nursing my own wounds? Do I follow Jesus words to love my enemies, or do I react out of the flesh and lash out. Wounding another because I am momentarily hurt.  Whether it is from an unexpected harsh word, slander, or someone cutting me off in traffic, my reaction shows how much of Jesus or how much of the flesh is in me. What is my response to others who are favored? Do I malign them? Do I react as these brothers of Joseph? With hatred or jealousy?
    Lord, I struggle with this! I want to do Your will and obey You- I also really don't like being treated unfairly; my flesh rears up faster than I can stop it. May I see this, my flesh rising up, through Your eyes- as sin, not just excuse it as a reaction to another's sin. Teach me again how to be a vessel for Your glory, filled with love, yielding to You in the little aggravations, so I can yield in the big ones when they come. Create in me a clean heart O Lord, and renew a right spirit in me that the old nature would not have even a small amount of victory. Teach me Your ways, that I would respond as Your servant. May I not pay back evil for evil, but by Your power, respond with Your love.